In honor of having 200 Facebook peeps on the So Wonderful, So Marvelous page we’re having a giveaway. And if you’re not on there… why the heck not? We’re fun. We’re likeable. We have questionable taste and loose morals. Just me? Oh. Um. Come hang out anyway.
What can you win? A big ass box to beat the winter blues. Surprises galore of at least $50 worth of some of my winter favorites all snuggled up in a sweet postal box with YOUR name on it. I *may* even make it pretty since you know I got screwed out of my fancy Christmas. Dude, who wouldn’t want that?
What do you have to do to win? Tell me your favorite winter product and BE SURE that you include a way to get a hold of you. That’s it.
The fine print? This giveaway isn’t being sponsored by anyone but me, myself, and I. You need to be in the US or Canada to win. You can enter only once and you have until Wednesday, January 19 at 11:59pm EST to enter. The winner will be chosen randomly & announced on Thursday or Friday.

My favorite winter products are wine and bubble bath stuff :) You know where to find me, lol
Sara Rooks
My favorite winter product is lipgloss to help aid in my fight against chapped lips :)
I can be contacted at
I'm struggling to come up with a favorite winter product. However, wine and bubble bath stuff is pretty much a regular for me in the winter too^^. A hot bath, a cocktail & a book are a great end to a cold day.
I'm addicted to my humidifier in the winter, it seems to make breathing so much easier. Thanks for the giveaway!
sarah.currence at gmail
I love Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Creme because it smells like warm weather and keeps my feet soft and sandal ready just in case I need to be on a beach at a moment's notice. :) I also love Nestle - Abuelita Mexican Hot Chocolate.
congrats on your facebook fans. i'm slow to change...i haven't made the facebook jump yet. my all time favorite winter product is vanilla bean noel from bath and body works. i'm weird with scents-that one i wear for only december, which i guess is why it says winter to me. thanks for offering a giveaway, that's really generous.
I'm probably weird but I love to get pedi's in the winter. There is somthing about taking off your socks and having pretty feet. I do love a good peppermint bodyscrub/wash though and it's weird if you get it any other time then christmas! :)
Um hello! Hook a sister up! Winter winter. Well Texas winter isn't quite massive compared to the rest of the country, but damn if I cannot survive without the tiny space heater I bought for my office the other day. Because till then I was living in sweaters (and I shit you not) my winter coat as I sat here reading blogs...I MEAN WORKING.
My favorite winter product is Philosophy Candy Cane shower gel/bubble bath. They only sell it around the holidays and it is awesome to shower with!
Well you are going to think I am a terrible person since I haven't checked in with you forever and now I am when you are doing a giveaway! I have been reading your posts and I am so glad you are doing better and back to your old self :)
My favorite winter products are my Martha Stewart Chunky Throw I got at Macy's.. I love to sit on the couch at night all snuggled up and play Scrabble or Words with Friends on the IPad (sometimes with a big glass of tonight)
I will be thinking of you on Sunday...we are having a Thanksgiving dinner with the turkey my husband got from work for Christmas! Can't wait to see what you do on your Thanksgiving-redo.
and congrats on all the people that "LIKE" you
My favorite winter product(s)...English Toffee Cappucino by Hills Bros, Netflix, and a warm blanket!!! HA
My favorite product is California Baby body wash and lotions. My skin hasn't been dry at all this winter since I started using them! Big time expensive, but so worth not scratching in front of people without knowing it!!!
I don't remember where these came from, but I've got some super long socks that are thick and fuzzy and they go up past my knees. I put them on before bed and they keep my feet and legs warm all night! Nothing fancy, just comfy.
Oh, and Shauna Mama, Netflix is totally on the list of favorite products!
My favorite Winter products would have to be The Body Shop hemp hand protector {yeah I smell like a man but my hands are no longer chapped, woohoo}. My second is Hickory Farms Christmas Blend coffee, I should seriously buy it in bulk. I hope you know where to find me haha! Nikki
Hey there! thanks so much for coming over to my blog & commenting earlier. I'm here to return the favor. IN winter, my skin is super dry. So anything from amazing lip balm to really good non-greasy body lotion helps. I have thyroid issues, too, which contribute to the dry skin. Ugh. I'm your newest follower and looking forward to keeping up w/ you!
erin (@erinlynn76)
My L.L. Bean Slippers, they are AWESOME!
My favorite Winter product is a Beanie. Usually knit, but anything that looks stylish yet keeps my head warm! :) Oh! And scarves... is it okay if I say two? hope so :)
I really came over because your comment on my blog made me laugh out loud (the real kind, not the LOL kind) - but hey... I love me a good giveaway - and I just can't pass up a big a$$ box :)
My favorite winter product is the space heater than I have used more than it was intended this year... I hate being cold, can you tell :)
My favorite winter products are Whipped Cream flavored Pinnacle Vodka and Godiva Liqueur - mixed together, of course.
You know where to find me. Heck, it'll even save you on postage.
Btw, very nice of you to do a giveaway. :)
My favorite winter products are a good book and a latte.
My favorite winter product? Chapstick. Because I super need it.
Hmmm, my favorite? Medicated Chapstick. I have a sick Chapstick obsession - I put it on SO many times a day, and there's something about the tingle of the medicated kind that is so satisfying! :)
Thanks for the sweet giveaway, lady!! :)
I am addicted to scarves, Bert's Bees Chapstick, Peppermint Cocoa and my fleece socks.
: )
A giveaway! How fun! My favorite winter thing is Tim Horton's hot chocolate with whipped cream...yummy!
I absolutly love homemade Xmas ornaments!!! Such great memory keepers. I'm not sure if that counts as a winter item. So, I am also a fan of Bath and Body Works "Lay it on thick" lotion from the true blue collection. Cures dry skin in no time!
My favorite winter product is my fuzzy Ugg knockoff boots that I bought at Costco. I wear them almost every day. They keep my feet so cozy and warm and I just love them! I also love a massive glass of Starbucks hot chocolate before bed every night. Whipped Cream is an added plus!
My favorite winter products are my Uggs, my Keurig coffee maker (French Vanilla) and Eucerin lotion. The last one isn't very fun, but it helps with the disgustingness (not sure if it's a word) of winter!!
These two products are THE TRUTH indeedly. And I am NOT joking! Gold Bond Ultimate Softening Shea Butter Lotion & Gold Bond Ultimate Hand Sanitizer Sheer Moisture.
Also, L'occitane Almond supple skin oil. I use it year round and it's wonderful.
My favorite winter product is my ridiculously snuggly warm socks. I can't go to bed without them! Cold feet in the winter is NOT fun.
actingadult at gmail dot com
For my face; Hope in a Jar.
For the Body; Eucerin Calming Creme.
The inside heat destroys my skin!!!
This is an awesome idea!
I love warm fuzzy slippers.
You can get a hold of me by sending up smoke signals from your back yard. :-)
Hot chocolate! And a good book, for sure.
I have literally 10 tubes of Blistex squirreled away in my drawer because I go through so much/ lose every damn tube before spring hits. Also- THESE PANTS ) are pretty much the only reason I tolerate the winter.
i'm so serious about a good pair of warm and fuzzy socks.
Me oh me oh me! I do love your big boxes o' stuff!
My favorite winter crap? Gloves and ear warmers and long running tights. Anything and everything that keeps me warm on sub freezing runs. And coffee. The hot kind not the iced kind. I love when its cold enough to switch my coffee temps in the afternoons.
Is a plane ticket to Hawaii considered a product? No? Okay fine. Then I have to default to my Alba Hawaiian Kukui Nut body cream - LOVE and soft skin! And also my down throw and hot buttered rum mix with my Dark Maui Rum. (I really didn't mean for there to be a Hawaii theme! This is my brain during winter!)
-Ally (
I can not live without carmex in the winter months
I need my vaseline lotion, Burt's bee chap stick, and my slippers.
I have the dryest house. ever. so I am using vaseline like mad this year.
For some reason my nose gets so Damn dry that it is the only thing that helps.
Chapstick... the blue moisturizing kind. Luckily my brother and SIL hooked me up with a giant box for Christmas! Love them!! :)
Dr. Hiosous Quince Hand Lotion saves my hands every winter!
My fave winter products are: Jergens Shea Butter lotion, Bert's Bees pomegranate chapstick, my heating blanket and slippers :)
Definitely the scarf my mom made for me that has built in pockets to keep my hands warm!
Our new heated mattress pad!
Just stumbled across your blog and am enjoying it so far! My favourite winter product? It was a tough choice between my Uggs and my moisturizer, but I'm going to say Philosophy's Hope in a Jar. Stops the dry itchies on my face. :) I'm at mostlyfitmom [at]
Starbucks peppermint hot chocolate & peppermint brownie. They have the peppermint hot chocolate year round but they only put red sugar on the top at Christmas and it makes a huge difference. (or maybe no one orders it but me in July and its fresher at the holidays...)
Christie Heng
Congrats on so many things!! What an exciting time in your life at so many levels!!!!
My favorite winter product is the Vanilla Bean Noel from B&BW, too bad they don't know how to spell!
My favorite winter product is my good old ponds creme! Couldn't live without it in the winter, if I am going to splurge it is philosophy peppermint bark gel and lipgloss!
I LOVE reading everyone's favorite things and I can't wait to go out and buy/try some of the thins mentioned.
Here is my short list of things that get me through the winter:
1. North Face Nuptse boots - I move into them in about November and I don't think I take them off until late March/April. They are so incredibly warm and easy to slide on. If you put on a pair of warm fuzzy socks and wear these boots than you can handle any cold/snowy day!
2. Archipelago milk body creme no. 3 - I use soy but the others work well too. My hands are incredibly chapped all winter and I've tried so many lotions but this one works best for me.
3. Burts Bees chapstick - awesome.
4. My Kindle. - no explanation needed :)
5. Scarves - any kind, any color!
Burts Bees Coconut Foot Balm. That stuff is heavenly and it also works great on chapped lips or faces.
A deliciously warm shower with Giovanni Hot Chocolate Sugar Scrub.
It smells amazing and is definitely my favorite thing to use in the winter months! (I'm sure it could be used any time, but I prefer to use it when it's icy out!)
Love reading everyone's favorites! It is hard to choose just one winter necessity! I have to stick with hot chocolate/flavored coffee drinks! Paired with sleeping kiddos, warm blanket, couch, hubby, & Netflix is even better!
I love my thick, aloe infused slipper socks and my heat blanket in the winter!
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