It’s January. It’s time to reinvent yourself and make bullshit resolutions that you know you won’t even remember in February. Everyone is in clean out mode.
The closets.
The pantry.
Google Reader.
I’ve been having to do some cleaning out and now I’m down to a pitiful handful that I really really love. Ok, by handful I mean a pretty big handful. For those I’ve let go, it’s me not you. I can’t get into blogs that are blatantly pushing products that I don’t {and I am pretty sure the author doesn’t either} use in the name of you getting free stuff. I don’t want to read about you being awful to people and finding amusement in it. And I don’t want to go from reading a fabulous blog to only getting daily pics from your 365 photo project. Start another blog for that, don’t torture your readers… we miss the “you” of your blog. And some, some I just find myself clicking through because I’m not currently in party planning mode or cooking much or crafting. You guys have gone to a folder for rainy days because I just can’t quit you.
I assure you, things won’t be changing here. You will still be getting rants and parties and kid stuff and mostly more rants and me babbling like an idiot and making a fool of myself in some way. Now that I’m feeling better, I am going to be posting more and I’ll be back at Style Lush on Tuesdays. And I have some fun things coming up for you and for me in the next couple months.
So today, I want to know your favorites. Blogs, that is. Feel free to whore out your own blog, but also tell me the blog {or two or three} that you can’t live without each day. They can be big or better yet, a hidden gem that you can’t believe hasn’t made it big yet.

Man, I've been horrible with mine. Too lazy/busy to even do the 365 photos...
Oh, I am so coming back to this post. I've been looking for those "gems" lately. I don't know why, I just feel the need to read something new, real and entertaining.
Well this one of course.
As you have probably gathered I have all but quit mine.
I cleaned out my Reader like a madwoman and only kept the really pretty, really kind, really inspirational ones.
The ones I get most excited to see have updated are I am baker (offshoot of her i am mommy blog) and probably Bakerella. Bakerella prob b/c it is only once a week.
Amen sista! I just did the same thing and oddly felt slightly bad. Then I got over it when I realized the stuff in my reader was stuff I actually want to read. LIKE YOU!
First, I'm glad you are feeling better. And totally agree with you on some of the blog content out there...
So some favorite blogs...
Ain't No Mom Jeans
Fingerprints on the Fridge
Style Lush
The Meanest Mom
and of course my own, which I find to be a constant exercise in learning about myself and putting myself out there and hoping that my 30+ followers actually enjoy something I write because the more I read other blogs, the more I realize I'm not a very good writer. ;)
I love reading your blog and besides this one, I also love Kevin & Amanda and Life with the Crazies. Those would have to be my top three.
I just started a blog a couple months ago and it's not that great just yet.
ANd Lisa, An American Mom...I feel I am a pretty bad writer also and just like you realize it more and more when I read other blogs. Oh well as long as we are having fun blogging:)
Crap - and I posted three days of photos. Sorry!
Oh, I hope I made the cut! I hope I made the cut! I can't live without your blog...I have missed your postings while you were away, but totally understand. I'm so glad you are feeling better.
I also daily read my former student, Nikita's, blog. It's called Nikita's place. She actually doesn't post daily, but when she does, I read it. She is an incredible young lady that has been through a lot and is letting God use it. I first met her in grade 10 when I was the chaperone on her trip to Europe. She was a bit of a spoiled brat then, and it has been amazing to see her transformation into this capable, strong young woman now at age 20. I find that to be one of the joys of teaching in a smaller school, the amazing opportunities to see the transformations of these young people that are going to change the world!
Damn! Did you drop me? I do not make a good ex! LOL
I'm down to three. You, and one fluffy fashion thing that I just can't quit. I won't tell you how to find the last one because it's a very guilty pleasure.
One of my resolutions is to begin (and keep) blogging again, and I know you will want to read.
i and also both appeal to my crafty nature, and just looking at them fulfills a little bit of my need to craft (cause God only knows i don't ACTUALLY have much crafty time lately.)
I really enjoy Raising Colorado. I think I got the suggestion from you :) I also enjoy yours, however, that goes without saying!
I love your blog, Pioneer Woman, Dooce, Blogging Dangerously, Barefoot Foodie, Confessions of a Young Married Couple and IAMBOSSY.
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
I enjoy Enjoying the small things,Peas and Thank you, Fly through our window, and your blog.
Glad to hear you are doing better.
Amen!! I seriously need to clean out my Reader because I have 1000+ unread items every day and feel way overwhelmed...almost like a second hand job.
I found this amazing design blog a while back called Ish and Chi that I just swooned over and am now totally annoyed by. All she ever posts anymore are pictures of her if I care what she's wearing today? I just think that's so bizarre. Get back to where you belong! Oh, and my other pet peeve. I follow a few amateur bloggers that are super full of themselves and you can tell the comments/compliments have gone straight to their heads. That kind of drives me bonkers and turns me off, no matter how talented they are.
My favorite famous blogger is definitely Emily Henderson, the winner of HGTV's Design Blog. She has such a great personality and has the most incredible taste! I want to be her when I grow up!
As far as hobbyists go, my favorites are the ones with the sweetest personalities. Bloggers like Starting Out Savvy, Beauty in the Attempt and So Wonderful, So Marvelous keep me from quitting the blog world. So glad to have met someone as fabulous as you, Michelle! Happy 2011!
I started reading this fashion blog a long time ago..well she has changed it up a bit and I know tune in to see how crazy it can get.
I'm here for the first time and thinking "Great, now I actually want to add another blog to my reader." I can never keep up. I even try to mix up who I have on my actual blog updates, so then I am less likely to miss something there.
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