Oranges by the bag.
Coleslaw & sea salt potato chips. Together. Usually like the coleslaw is the dip for the chips, but sometimes just a few crunched on top.
Salads with a Japanese ginger dressing that I begged & pleaded talked my favorite sushi place into selling to me by the quart.
Pizza doused with Frank’s Red Hot sauce.
Copious amounts of Tums Smoothies {way better than the original chalky stuff} to deal with aftermath of the Frank’s Red Hot.
Smoothies. The real kind. By the blender-full. Right now it’s anything involving strawberries, pineapple, and cream of coconut.
Ice from the grocery store, full to the top in every beverage I consume. Everything. Must. Be. Ice. Cold. When I’m not pregnant, the maximum number of ice cubes in my water is two. Dave is pretty sure that my drinking ice filled beverages are a sign of the apocalypse.
Plus… and this is the one that I am most ashamed of… ANYTHING that is suggested to me.
It has gotten really really pathetic.
Watching Man v. Food hot wing challenge? HOT WINGS! Must have them. A comedian talking about breakfast? QUICHE! Must find quiche at 9 pm. A post on how to make the perfect popcorn? POPCORN! Daaaaaave! Can you please run to the store and get ‘real’ popcorn? Pretty please! Yes, I know you hate popcorn, but the baby really wants it. A gorgeous bleu cheese wedge salad in my Google Reader at 9 am? Don’t mind if I do. My post from yesterday with all of the tasty desserts? CHEESECAKE, must have cheesecake.
I have to say, at least it’s not pica. I could be eating dirt.
Tell me what your pregnancy cravings were and make me feel a little better.

I didn't know you were pregnant!! You must have posted it before I stopped being hiatusy and came back! :) CONGRATS mama!! I am due a couple weeks after you...yay for July babies!!!
My cravings right now are mostly fruit. I cannot keep enough fruit in the house. In fact, there is not enough fruit on this planet for my taste!
Also? I've been known to eat the occasional bowl of raw bisquick. Shameful, I realize. :)
food is the BEST part about being pregnant. And making your husband go get it at 3am, that's also the best part.
DUDE. Thanks for the reminder I forgot my salt and vinegar chips :( And I love cole slaw on top of my Chick Fil A fries. I highly recommend it.
Also? I've developed a lovely metallic taste in my mouth. It's super fun times!
Which Japanese place did you convince to do this? I can eat their dressing with a spoon....
And now... 9:30 in the morning and just reading this I need to have popcorn.
You have me laughing so hard at my desk that I'm about to get in trouble!
I put hot sauce on everything...but my favorite was on canned green beans.
I ate tons of fruit, especially kiwi and clementines...and strawberries...and plums...and watermelon.
But, my absolute favorite was Mexican food. I adored chips and salsa, tacos, chipotle. Anything Mexican!
I'm totally lol at the ice. That is me too! Can't get enough when I'm pregnant. So weird. Lol about your husband thinking it's the apocalypse. My go-to's were icees, shakes, and ice cream. Yumm.
Sriracha on everything from soup to veggie burgers YUM! I also went nuts (ok even more nuts) for potatoes, billions of potatoes were sacrificed for my mashed potato cravings!
Anything strawberry tasted AMAZING and I drank milk like a mad woman (ok, and I had a lot of ice cream too!). Ahh how I loved being pregnant!
Orange Jello with mandarin oranges in it & Peanut butter and Jelly!
Too funny! I'm the same way with the suggestions!
And the oranges. Oh, how I loved them during my first trimester.
French Toast...anytime! Baked Potatoes with cheese, butter and chives.
I can't even imagine what my cravings will be when I'm pregnant. I get some pretty intense ones just in life - like I *have* to have potato chips and dill dip every once in a while. So when I get pregnant, look out Husband!
I'm totally with you on the ice as well. I craved the crunched up ice that I could chew on. I would seriously go through drive thrus (about two a day) and ask for a cup of ice and a bottle of water. The water was just because I felt guilty asking for just ice. I accumulated a lot of bottles that way.
It's so weird the stuff we crave when we are pregnant. I had to have pickles and green olives everyday with my first. And loved quarter pounders from Mcdonalds with both of my pregnancies. I never never eat a fastfood hamburger...EVER but when I was pregnant I craved them. OH and rainbow sherbet ice cream every night. But after gaining too much weight the first half of both my pregnancies the Doctor put an end to this and there was no sneeking it with my husband around:( I loved loved lemon in my ice water.
How did I miss that you're pregnant? Congratulations!!
For me: pop-tarts, milk, and things that are sour/spicey.
I'm the same way with the suggestions! We made a late-night Publix run for cheesecake last weekend. I've actually been gaining 2 lbs a week instead of the recommended 1 lb, so I need to figure out how to battle the cravings. Soon. But not today.
WHEN DID YOU POST THIS!!!!!!! OH MY WORD! I am so excited that I didn't even read the rest of the post!
And now that I actually read it, I ate smoothies too. Kevin made me one almost every single night for the first trimester. And I also had lots of ice cream.
With my daughter it was Lime's, lime jello, lime koolaid, Key lime pie, and yes peeling a lime like a orange and eating it. With my son it was these crazy banana spilts from Baskin Robbins. The following ingredients included Daquri ice cream with pineapple on top, cookie dough with butterscotch, pink bubblegum ice cream with gummy bears,banana (of course),whipped cream, no nuts and extra cherries. I still order them today lol!
Tuna melts and Nacho Cheese Doritos. This was before they told pregnant women not to eat tuna and before I knew that Doritos were made with MSG. My son is fine, btw. Likely because I threw up everything I ate so it probably never made it through my system anyway.
Pregnancy cravings totally transfer. It's ridiculous, actually. I HAD to have a lemon bar and a mocha based on what someone mentioned on Twitter, like, a week ago.
Dippin peanut butter crackers in potted meat?!? I hate potted meat lol
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