
17 January 2011

Joy.  Lots and lots of joy.  We are expecting July 4. 

I took this photo on October 22.  That is a long time to keep quiet for a loudmouth like me.  Especially since we have been waiting and trying, and trying and waiting for what seems like forever.  The day the magical plus sign would appear.  And to my secret keepers?  You will never realize how amazingly wonderful your support has been these last 16 weeks.  Thank you.


So now, we patiently await our cute little bean.  



Samantha said...

OMG - Congratulations!!!! How sweet :-) So happy for you!

Katie said...

Congrats! I follow here and there, but was hoping that this was what was going! So exciting!

Lisa said...

Wonderful!! Congratulations and I hope you have a smooth and healthy pregnancy.

Meghan said...

Congrats! That is wonderful news!

Misc Momma said...

YAY! Very excited for you.

@JessEsco said...

Omg. I couldn't be more excited for you. Really and truly. Of all the positives I've seen lately yours made me so extra happy! Yay! We can sweat our asses off together.

Ashley said...

Well you know my reaction. Squeeeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm just so happy for you. It's the Style Lush water, I tell ya :) Big congrats, Michelle!

michele said...

CONGRATS!! that is SO awesome!! and what a herculean task to keep QUIET about for that long when i'm sure you just wanted to shout it from the rooftops!!

tiffany said...

BEST news for a Monday morning! Congrats to you & the boys!!!! xoxo

Meg said...

again, congrats! looking so forward to hearing all about your pregnancy and baby #2.

Amy Dean Stuempges said...

Congrats Michelle!!! So happy for you and your family!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I am a new follower and love reading your blog so I can't wait to read about your pregnancy:)

MommyLisa said...

Just wonderful - So WONDERFUL. :)

So Scraphappy said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you and your family!

Alexis said...

Yipee! Oh Michelle, I am so happy for you. And what cute birthday parties you can plan around July 4th:) rest and take care of yourself!

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting!!!!

Katie Olthoff said...

Congratulations! That is a long time to keep a secret!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!! Hope you're feeling well.

chiara said...

Yay! That is great. And given your other health scare this is really a feat. This baby will be a tough cookie, I think :o)

belles♥mom said...

Again SO excited! Congratulations for the millionth time, I cannot wait to meet the little one!

Joann Mannix said...

Oh my Gosh!!!! How absolutely wonderful. Big time congratulations on your little baby bean. Enjoy every minute of it.

lo said...

HOORAY!! I'm so happy for you- congratulations x100!

Jenn Jacobs said...

Congrats! Soon, you will be able to mark another thing off of your 101 list. Yipee! So happy for you!

Lori said...

(Other than the post on my Lindsey) BEST. POST. EVER!!!

Kristin said...

OMG. Congratulations! and YAY!

sherry stanfa-stanley said...

I'm a little late to the game, but so very, very happy for you!

Just A Normal Mom said...

Congrats! On both the pregnancy AND keeping the secret so long! Good for you. Wishing you all the best!

Home Sweet Sarah said...

Congratulations! Another Internet baby, how exciting!

Cris said...

Congratulations!!! All the blessings to you and your family.

Stacy Kaye said...

ARGH! Here it is! I found it! I am so excited! I can't believe it and I also can't believe what you went through while you were pregnant. OK, I am sending a million hugs your way and now you must email me and tell me your last name so I can send you a card too! I see why I missed this...sorry I was a bit obsessed with the babyness in my own life but YAY MOMMY OF TWO!

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