That is the question.
Today we’re talking about TV in the bedroom. Do you have one or not?
I am firmly in the no TV camp. Also no laptops.
But lately… lately, I’ve been revisiting the thought probably out of my own sheer laziness. And maybe it WOULD get me into bed earlier if I could snuggle up with Dave and watch my 10 o’clock shows, 95% of the time he falls asleep on the couch anyway.
My reasons for years and years of not having a TV in the bedroom?
It disturbs your sleep and your sex life.
So I want to know what goes on in your bedroom, TV or TV-less? And let me hear your compelling reasons for or against having one in the bedroom. Even if your compelling reason is, “shut the hell up Michelle, I just like it.

we've always had a tv in our room and i can't imagine not having one. can't say it's disrupted the sleep or sex, but how would i know if it did?!
Well, Russ and I both had TVs in the bedroom before we married and we continued that once we did. Before we moved, we really needed that TV. My big reason - I got extremely tired of watching football, video games, the History Channel, and Discovery. I was able to go upstairs and watch what I wanted to watch in peace without griping and complaining and Russ didn't have to listen to me as well.
Now that we have a living room and a man cave both equipped with TVs, I don't find the one in the bedroom as important. We have it in the bedroom, but neither of us has taken the time to hook it up and get it going.
Either way, I usually have no problem sleeping or with sex. Except that one time that I caught Russ watching TV during, well, you know. Anywho. I see both sides of it. Right now, I'm thinking we may take ours out of the bedroom because its just really cluttering up my nicely decorated room ;-)
Don't do it!!! We never had one until we moved to this house. I don't hate it for the reasons I thought I would, but now my bedroom has become like the second living room and it is always a mess because the kids come in to watch TV and bring their stuff with them!!
PS - I love your new profile picture!
No TV! I like my bedroom quiet and peaceful :)
I'm in the no tv camp. I've never had one in the bedroom, even growing up.
Wait, I take that back. I had one in the bedroom in Tucson and I'd stay up all night watching Are You Being Served, Blind Date & Third Wheel. Waste of time.
We don't have one right now, but we have before. I definitely prefer having one in there. It did actually get me into bed earlier, and I don't think it really screwed with our sex life. Plus, when you're sick or it's a crappy rainy day, you can snuggle up in bed and watch awful TV...which is way better than watching crappy TV on the couch.
No TV for us so far for the same reasons you listed. That being said, I'm in the same debate you are about getting one. The husband is all for it - I on the other hand am VERY hesitant to do it.
Totally TV...I don't know what I would do without it! I love having it in my own space...
I never did growing up, but we have ever since we've lived together. I like it because I can go to bed when B does (waaay early because of his weird hours) and I end up falling alseep much earlier than I would otherwise. I LOVE the sleep timer!
I think people who say it'll mess with your sex life just use that as an excuse... I mean really, who is choosing TV over lovin'? And nothing... NOTHING gets in the way of my sleep!
I am a huge fan of watching TV in bed. I always have been. It is one of my favorite things. Not only do we have a TV in our bedroom but it's a 50" plasma (a little over the top, my husband's doing - we're down scaling to a 42"). Anywho, I think it is what you make of it. If you have it on all the time, I could see it disrupting marital relations. :) I am also a big reader so sometimes its TV and sometimes its reading, just depends.
This is a constant topic of conversation in our marriage. We've never really had tv in our home, but we're total Hulu and Netflix junkies. So, when we settle down to watch a show or a movie at night time, and we both know we'll probably fall asleep before it's over why not just start out in bed, with the show on our laptop so if we fall asleep we don't have to wake up at 2:00am and go to bed? However, C HATES when we watch in bed because he's with you-the bedroom is for other things. It doesn't bother me one bit, but I would admit that it's probably better to keep the tv to the tv room, not the bedroom.
Uh, so we don't have a TV in the bedroom, but probably will in the near future. We're big go-to-bed-early types, and sometimes it's annoying to want to veg and watch TV, but also want to be horizontal in bed. Plus, there's likely going to be a baby in our future and we have a two-story house and the thought of having our whole life downstairs is sort of annoying. Our bed! It's too comfortable!
We totally have tv and laptops in there. The more annoying one is the laptop but I just whine and it usually gets put away till after I'm asleep (I go to bed first).
As for it getting in the way of other fun to be had, girl! Turn the tv off or just get busy ;-)
No TV! But my DH falls asleep on the couch and sometimes doesn't make it to bed. Maybe it would be better to have the TV in the bedroom with a sleep timer...
We are definitely in the no TV camp. We had it in our first bedroom but after a few moves, I decided that the TV should be in the living room and man cave but not the bedroom. It just works better for us! Keeps the room more quiet.
We tried the TV in the bedroom--it lasted one week after we got married (9 years ago) I'm so damn nosy that even though I needed to go to sleep and my husband was not--I couldn't stop watching the TV! I even would take out my contacts, take off my glasses and I'd still be up squinting at the TV. Needless to say, after that week of very little sleep--I broke down and threw the thing out. My husband is a tad bitter about it, but I sleep way better.
I do like the idea of having it in there when you're sick...maybe something portable :0)
honestly it started b/c as a military wife it kept me company when my hubby was gone (he deployed the first time we hadn't even been married a yr & had a new baby & I was ALONE.) Then I just got so used to it I have a hard time falling asleep w/o it. Seriously though - I watch cartoons for bed & had such a hard time when we moved here I bought cartoons for my Ipod & an Ipod player for the tv so I could get my fix. (before the ipod actually had vcr recordings, but all our vcrs died & can't record the tv w/ our dvds.)
plus that's how my hubby gets to watch sports - he gets kicked out of the living room.
first time commenter here, and i just wanted to say i've been reading your blog for awhile now, and you always make my day brighter!
in answer to your question, my fiancee and i do not have a tv in the bedroom, or at all. we used to, but we found out very quickly that we started losing "us" time. i really love the time we get to spend together away from any form of electronic before we sleep. lately, we have been reading to one another. i didn't think i would like it at first, but i find myself getting excited, now. :)
Welcome Heather!! I hope it won't be your last comment.
You all are an opinionated bunch, aren't you? I think for now we're going to stay in the no tv camp, but I reserve the right to change my mind!
We have a tv in the bedroom, but we also have exercise equipment in there (I know, not so romantic, but it's a big enough room that it works) so the tv gets watched more when someone's on the treadmill or bike trainer than while in bed. I'm one of those that when my head hits the pillow, I'm usually out (or being romantic, ahem), so it's not an issue for us.
We have NO TV in the bedroom and I am also like you, I don't know if we ever will. I think that it would probably become a situation where Kev would be watching his sportscentre or something and I would be drifting off to sleep, while currently we STILL go to bed together almost every, single night. I cherish our time together when we snuggle, talk about the day, pray together, and then roll over and drift off to sleep.
I can definitely see times when it would be nice to have though, especially if Kev traveled a lot or something, but we currently have a life where we do NOT need a TV in the bedroom, and in fact we only have one TV in our entire house-although that will be changing once our family room is finally renovated and my husband gets his much dreamed about flat screen!
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