Do you know what I miss most about working?
Having a cleaning person.
{And a nanny.}
I know it’s a weird thing to miss. Even after two years of being home, you just never forget. Do you know the awesomeness of coming home to bathrooms scrubbed clean? Of shiny sparkling floors? Or fresh sheets on your bed? Or refrigerators without fingerprints all over them and windows that gleam in the sun? All done magically without spending an entire day huffing and puffing and doing it myself.
No matter how much I try, I can’t justify the cost to myself {or to Dave} for having someone in to clean when I should could be doing it.
But I miss it. I miss it so.
I am lucky if I get the beds made around this joint on a daily basis. And the mountains of laundry. I don’t even remember the last time my stove was scrubbed down.
So do you have one? Do you want one? I think I need one.

I'd love to have one, but I know it'll never happen. *Sigh*
Oh, I would LOVE to know that feeling. Some of my friends have them and I so wish I could have that luxury. But I work out of town and 3 kids at home and still can't seem to justify the money spent, but I am ooooohhhh so close!!!! So until then, I just do what I can and so should you. It is more important to have a so, so house and a HAPPY little boy. Than a spotless, well kept house and a little boy glued to the TV so you can get all the work done!
When I worked, we had someone who came it twice a week. It was the greatest gift I ever gave myself and my family. I was less stressed, had more time, was just happy! Now, I am a Stay At Home Mess! lol
We had one growing up, so me cleaning isn't really such a good idea. I have no idea how to do it! I can't wait until Husband gets his job after school because it's seriously going to be one of the first things that we do. Hire someone.
Nope - but I have teenagers who need chores. ;)
I want one but with an unemployed husband, it ain't happening. I have told myself though that if he gets a job we are getting one to come twice a month.
When I started working again Kev and I said this is the ONE thing that we WOULD FOR SURE GET...and then we just never got around to it. I think it's because we know I'm just working for a few months and then on mat leave again for a year. I think once that year is up, though, and I go back to work indefinitely we will CERTAINLY be doing the research and finding ourselves a good cleaning person! It would be sooooo awesome!
I have a friend that got one in the last trimester of her pregnancy when she was still working, and they still have her, even though her baby is four months old. She is always telling me how she feels guilty about this and I ALWAYS tell her, "If you guys can still afford it then you CANNOT allow yourself to feel guilty! It is something that gives you more time with your gorgeous daughter...take advantage of it!"
I totally need to get me some teenagers! Then again, they might be more trouble than they're worth!
I have a cleaning lady and I love her. If I had to, I would give up a meal a week to be able to afford her.
I too have a teenager. Of course when homework gets heavy and we're in the heat of baseball season, I end up doing more of his chores than he does.
I had a cleaning lady once. Actually, it was a cleaning couple - they got it done in half the time!
I do miss them...
ut oh.....i am the cleaning lady for two ladies
they like it...but i have to tell you a secret.
my house is not as clean as theirs. i need a cleaning lady myself.
btw popped over from the SECRET Santa Soiree with Georgie
The thought of walking in the door to a clean house sounds like absolute heaven. You know I love cleaning, the main thing is having the time to do it (ya know without a 3 year old "helping" me).....Psst don't tell Jon but someday I really, really, really want a cleaning lady of my own!!! :)
With that I'm off to go scrub the bathroom while Belle supervises....FUN!!
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