And we stood there, with the blue glow of your nightlight just looking at you.
Arms over your head, covers kicked off, your belly peeking out under too small pajamas that you refuse to give up. Your ankles and calves exposed too, evidence of the inches you've grown these last few months. Your hair was wild and a little sweaty as it always is when you sleep.
And you just looked content, as if sweet dreams were playing in your three year old mind.
I stood there, with your daddy's arms around me just watching your belly go up and down with each breath. I know we are doing something right. It tides me over on those days that I tell you no 57 times before breakfast. It makes all of those time outs vanish into thin air. In that moment, all either of us saw was perfection in those long legs, in your sweet face, in your hands, your mouth, your ears. Those ten little toes couldn't have been made better.
I love that you are who you are Finnegan James. And I love your daddy for giving me reason to pause and take in these moments before they're gone.
It certainly isn't something I do often enough.

love, love, love this michelle!!!
This is beyond precious. I love it. And I love sweet moments like that.
So sweet!
awww i teared up reading this, i can totally picture it! i'll miss him in 2 weeks
Aw, one of my favorite moments of the day. We always go check on adam together, and he just looks so sweet sleeping.
And then he wakes up. And promptly hits me because I won't let him have sprinkles for breakfast. And gets a time-out before we've been out of bed 5 minutes.
Erase that thought. Go back to the sleeping boy. Much nicer image. :)
i love those sweet moments. i often bustle busily about right through them, my husband is the one who's usually calling me to slow down a bit and come look quietly. i love him for that.
this made me cry. i feel the same way about my boy. ur words are beautiful. thank u
Ahhhh! I do the same thing every night! I go in to "check" but it is really to glance at the perfection of his little eyelashes resting gently on his face as his chest goes up and down. Sometimes I call Kev in to laugh at whatever wonky position he happens to be in but I always sigh and say "I love you" before walking out. Beautiful post.
Jim and I had a moment like this last night. We picked Lindsey up at his parents house. She was asleep on Grandpa, holding her Minnie Mouse doll in her little hands. She looked so precious!
what a fun, bright, sunshiny room--i love the colorfulness of it! and i especially love the raising-the-bed idea, i'll have to keep that one in mind.
oops, that was supposed to be about the bedroom, hehe :)
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