I made up these sweet little cards to go with items we'll be leaving for people to find. We bought some scratch off lotto tickets, we're leaving quarters on vending machines, soap in the laundromat, and more so we thought it best to let people know it's ok for them to take whatever we're leaving tucked places.
By the way, did you know a laundromat used to be called a washateria? Random fun fact from Dave.
So, if you're joining me in the random {and not so random} gift giving, you can download absolutely FREE for your personal use.
And if you haven't done so already... get over and ENTER the giveaway... you have until midnight (Eastern time) to enter! And be sure to stop back Saturday morning to see the winner & leave comments about your random acts!

Have I told you that I think that what you are doing is absolutely awesome?!?
This is really cool...
Thanks Samantha!!
Cute card!
What an absolutely fabulous idea. I used to listen to a radio station that would do promotions for a "pay it forward" type concept for buying a cup of coffee at Starbucks for the next person in line without them knowing. I love the concept of expanding that idea. The neatest part is that the next person can just take the card and re-use it to pay it forward again.
That is so, so cool. It would beyond make my day to find something like this, what a fun thing to do. Thanks so much for sharing the cards, I'll be linking.
Thank you! I plan 34 act of kindness in my birthday and I'll use this card.
I heard of the "Random Act of Kindness" RAK concept years ago and travel a toll road often. The toll is only $2 and this week I traveled through four of them. At each toll booth I paid for the vehicle behind me and told the toll booth attendant to tell the driver of the vehicle behind me that it was a RAK. Frequently when I go into a restaurant I pick out a table of customers and when paying my bill, I pay the bill of the customers at that table also. I usually pick a table of customers that look like they are less affluent and would appreciate it. Most of the time you never know what the comments and thoughts are of the recipients of those RAKs are, but occasionally you find out and it makes you feel great.
Thanks so much for the free download of the notes ! They were just what I was looking for ! I am doing 25 Days of Acts of Kindness, starting 12/1. I made a donation on Dec 1st, National Giving Day. I have many things planned, from sticker books for kids, a bookmark for an adult, Wendy's $1 Frosty cards (good all yr for a free small Frostie, plus all proceeds go to The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption - double bonus), color books, Christmas socks, etc. There are so many things that do not cost alot, things you can pick up all year long, to use. Some can be free - coupon for free babysitting for a friend, mowing someone's lawn, donating a can of food to the Foodbank, etc. Merry Christmas and God Bless everyone doing this !
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