When you purchase candy in advance of YKW's BIRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANZA, which I can't share details on just yet because the invites are not going out until next week, it is not meant for YOUR consumption. I mean, yes you were being a smart shopper when you bought it on sale, but it doesn't save you a dime if you pilfer a dud or two (or 47) each time you pass them in the kitchen and you have to end up buying more boxes. Also, please note that YKW can not pass up an open box of chocolate coated caramel gooeyness, so JUST DON'T OPEN THE BOX. Also note that even though the box says 35% less fat, it does not mean you should eat 35% more since "those don't count."

Incidentally, the party is going to be a doozy and I can't wait to spill the duds on all the details.
I love notes to self....they are so rewarding. And please, details, details, details. Some of us are too far away to attend.
Duds are the best... You can't eat just one, its half the box....
I seem to have missed the invite. :(
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