So, this happened.
I have freak early walking children. She’s been flirting with walking for the last month and Friday, she just decided that enough was enough. Off she went.
Nine months. As long as it took for me to carry her. That is how long it took her to figure out how to get away from me.
My sweet daredevil girl.

My children took forever to walk. It was probably a blessing since I had one after the other.
Get out! She's going to keep you on your toes! Good thing she's so darn cute :)
YAY!!! My 4 year old started walking at 9 months. It's so funny seeing them walk so young because they are still so little. Thanks for drawing with me:))
AHHHHHH! Walking baby! She's so adorable...and mobile.
I walked at nine months, so it must only be awesome people who do that. Because she's awesome. ;)
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