My kitchen Bunny and I dyed eggs and made the chow mein butterscotch chocolate nests.
Cousins enjoying the Easter egg hunt!
Easter present from Finnegan for Gigi who has a huge collection of ducks for the Jacuzzi tub. I think she and Finn are up to 17 now.
Easter baskets.
The Bunny hid quarter filled eggs at Gigi’s house.
Tired, tired girl.
I hope yours was as sweet and chocolate filled. {And not followed by the epic meltdown of a four year old with too much sugar that followed ours.}

Happy Easter to you too! Love that pic of you and Finn. Gorgeous!
I think we had an epic meltdown from a major chocolate high with Roxy last night :)
Looks like you had a terrific Easter!
Great picture of you and Finn. We had a couple meltdowns too but it was still such an awesome day:))
I love Finn's sweater. It's so cute.
seriously. how do you have two kids? you look like a 12 year old in that pic with finn. :)
Ahhh the magic of Instagram smoothing... all those little wrinkles (that are VERY much there!) disappear. :-)
OH MY Finn gets more handsome by the hour. :) Boo Boo didn't walk until she was nearly 13 months old. She did however speak three word sentences by 11 months, so she would tell me where to carry her. ;)
I love that picture of y'all!
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