Pull out your copy of Green Eggs & Ham, whip up a batch, & surprise your kiddos with this easy recipe.
You will need:
- 6 large eggs
- green GEL food coloring {Americolor’s Leaf Green is my fave}
- 1/4 cup mayo
- 1 t mustard {I used spicy brown, but yellow works just fine}
- salt, pepper, paprika, tarragon {you can just use salt & pepper if you like}
Put the eggs in a pan and fill with cold water, covering completely with about an inch of water over the top of the eggs. Do not crowd the eggs or they can crack! Put on high heat allowing the eggs to come to a rolling boil.
Turn the stove off, cover tightly, and remove from heat. Allow to sit in the pot, covered for exactly 17 minutes.
Using a slotted spoon, transfer from the pan into a bowl of cold water and ice cubes. This will stop the cooking process and prevent the egg yolks from turning greenish. Leave them in the ice water for 15 – 20 minutes.
Peel the eggs under running water, if you follow the above steps, they should peel easily. Pop the yolks out and mash lightly. Add salt, pepper, paprika, and tarragon {or any combination of these that you like} to taste. Add the mayo and mustard. Stir until mostly combined.
Then, add two small squirts of the gel food coloring. Do not use the liquid food coloring from the store. It is too runny for these purposes and will make the egg mixture really loose. Stir them until all of the food coloring is incorporated and put into a piping bag. If you don’t have a piping bag, you can use a plastic Ziploc and just snip the tip off for piping.
You can store in the fridge separately until ready to eat. Pipe into the egg whites and enjoy! It’s a great way to celebrate Dr Seuss’ Birthday!

Cute! Wonder if this would get my kid to eat deviled eggs???
OMG I am doing this for my girls! Love it.
I did these for Adrianna's Dr. Seuss party (which is how I found you...YAY!) and none of the adults would eat them because they were green!! PANSIES!!!
So cute! Caden would love this!
Those are so pretty - I would hate to eat em!
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
This is so adorable :)
I bet your green deviled eggs turned out amazing...I love deviled eggs.. I wouldn't care what color they are :0) I hope it's okay, I thought they would be a neat party snack on St. Patrick's Day too. I've featured them on my St. Patrick's Day hub about colorful and creative foods. You can see it here:
Thank you so much for sharing!
My girls would love these. Thanks for the egg boiling tips too.
These are ADORABLE! I am soo making these on Friday with my daughters! So glad I found you from Tip Me Tuesday - stop by say hi and stay awhile:
xo Kristle
Absolutely brilliant, my little boy will love these, I'm your newest follower. Found you through tip junkie.
Where do you buy the food coloring?
I LOVE GREEN EGG'S AND HAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My rendition is going to a gross n the whites will soak up some green in a seperate bowl n I'm serving them as 50 year old rotten eggs for my moms over the hill party!!!!!
So today is Dr. Suesss birthday! So excited I stumbled upon this. Made them today. Just finished eating them along with Pink Ink, Orea Cat in the Hats and the eggs. My daughters loved them. Thanks for the recipie.
Add bacon bits or thinly sliced fried ham to yolks to make it green eggs and ham!
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