Dave: *mumble mumble grumble grumble*
Me: You’re mean Dave P! And exclusionary.
Finn: You can’t call him that. You can call him mean, but that is it.
Me: But he is exclusionary. He leaves people out.
Finn: No. He drinks beer with his friends.
Finn: Mom, do you think our next baby is going to be a boy or a girl?
Me: Finna, I don’t think there is going to be a next baby.
Finn: But J & Amanda & Myles have three babies. Well, one is a midget.
Me: Everyone has to decide for themselves how many babies their family will have. You know Noelle has FOUR babies! And Meme had SIX babies.
Finn: How many babies did Gigi have?
Me: She had two babies. I am pretty sure daddy only wants two babies.
Finn: Well, maybe daddy will be out of luck and maybe he will be in luck. We will see.
Finn: Mom, Hulk got strings from the bad guy and his pants fell down and the bad guys saw his underwear! That is too funny for me.
Finn: Mom, you want to know how to say blue in Spanish?
Me: Sure.
Finn: Azul. And mom? If you want to know how to say blue in plain old English, you say, blue.
Finn: What are you feeding Tate?
Me: Some butternut squash and some blueberries and bananas.
Finn: What is that white stuff?
Me: Oatmeal.
Finn: Is that human oatmeal?
Me: Of course it’s oatmeal for humans! What other kind of oatmeal is there?
Finn: Baby oatmeal.
Me: Um, I think you must misunderstand what a human is…
Finn: No I don’t.

Love it! Exclusionary! That is hilarious!
kids say they cutest and funniest things:) I need to start doing a post like this about my little munchkin.
Oh my. He is so funny, and his vocabulary and comprehension are growing every day!
He is a funny, funny guy :) I love kidspeak!
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