Yes, I am one of those people.
I am just a pair of Harry glasses and a Gryffindor scarf away from dressing up to attend movies.
I didn’t think I would ever be one of those people, but it happened anyway. Way back even before I knew Dave, I was out in San Francisco on vacation. My aunt and uncle have an entire wall of books in their house and they convinced me, despite my protests that I do not like magical, make believe, totally unrealistic books, to pick up Harry Potter and give it a read.
I protested that it wasn’t my thing. Just try it, they said. Harry Potter pushers, the two of them.
By the end of the vacation, I had blasted through books one and two. I could NOT put them down. The third I bought in the bookstore in the airport and had almost finished it by the time our plane landed in Detroit.
The fourth? My mom bought it for me for Christmas and I stayed up the entire night reading it. I may have also done that for books five, six, and seven as well.
Book seven, the last, was a special one because not only did Dave venture to the store to procure it for me at midnight because he is quite possibly the best husband in the world, but he also entertained Finnegan for the entire next day so that I could read it straight through.
This weekend, my sisters and I are going to the final movie. Yes, yes, I know how it ends. It doesn’t quell the excitement one bit.
It’s bittersweet though, this, the last movie. The last bit of Mr Potter left. The books are done and now, so are the movies.
So tell me, are you one of those people as well? Will you see the last movie this weekend?

I am definitely one of these people. A coworker gave me book one right as book three hit hardback. I also have been known to devour the book during an all nighter. I like to blast through them and then go back and linger on my favorite parts.
We are seeing the movie tonight and I already know I will cry. I miss looking forward to the books and movies.
I recently blasted through the Percy Jackson series and I am lingering on the new Egyptian series from the same author. They are not HP, but they come close.
We are going to see the movie tonight - and I am SO excited!
We were in line at 4 pm yesterday for the 1 am showing! We got home at 3:30 am and it was worth every Potter minute! I cried from the moment the movie began and even more throughout. I can't believe I was awake at 7 am, but life continues even as Harry drifts off into the future. Of course, after seeing the movie (I read the books many times, as well), I have hope that someone out there in the land of wizardry will find that something and there will be an HP8 to infinity!
I am so one of those people... I grew up desperately awaiting the next books release and now I can barely make it through the trailer for the final movie without getting emotional.
I'm just not ready to see the final movie though. I may wait for a bit before indulging because I just can't bear the thought of it finally being over!
(Of course there are plans to visit the theme park next year, but that's besides the point!)
I am. I did. I'm sad. There's no turning back.
Not only am I one of those people I also went to see it at midnight when it was released. I'll probably see it in the cinema atleast ten times.
Every time a new film was released I re-read (or listened to the audio books) the books again and did a movie a night to make sure I was up to speed and it was all fresh in my mind.
The last film is one of the best. xoxo
I am one of those - sort of. Sadly, I somehow didn't see (or even purchase yet) #6, therefore, didn't see the first half of #7, so CAN'T see the last one yet!!! I've done myself in! Sigh. It's okay, I'll get caught up. I'm actually thinking of reading the books AGAIN.
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