Four weeks until she arrives. I’m looking forward to not waddling and to not sweating like a whore in church every time the thermometer creeps higher than 75 degrees. This is my view now… see there used to be feet somewhere, but not so much any more. Just boobs and belly.

Aww, you must be so excited??? I hope your weekend was wonderful!
My son was born on June 28, 2005 and I remember being so hot at the end of my pregnancy that I contemplated just going topless to my doctor's appointments. This would not have been a pleasant sight for anyone, but I think I had two shirts that still fit at that point and I was so miserable! I was definitely not out mowing the yard like some super stars... I was couch-bound and cranky. Of course, nothing much has changed in that department! Hope you have a great week!
four weeks, time is flying!
Yay! Although just today I had Jack in for his four month checkup and after his shots I had to feed him-to calm him down of course-and found myself again sweating like a pig. Why are those doctor's offices so hot????
Can't wait to see what NAME you have picked!!!
Super cute perspective here!
4 weeks?!?!?! How can that be? I'm so excited for you. What a great picture, but I can't wait to see her in your arms (and hopefully in mine when you're ready to share a little bit of fresh baby with me).
What a neat view. I love it!
You are so lucky. Sorry, that's all I can think. :) Take care and quit mowin' the lawn!
Great picture, I love it! It's getting so close! Enjoy every minute... before and after! :)
"sweating like a whore in church" - too funny! hang in there!
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