We had a crazy weekend. And by crazy I mean mostly I was mostly crazy and Dave was along for the ride. I’ve been having contractions, I’m assuming Braxton Hicks because they’re irregular, worse in the afternoon & evening and it’s way too early for little Miss to be making her appearance. {Yep, I’m upping my water and talking to my OB at today’s appointment just to be on the safe side.} It has however kicked off a bit of the crazy in me.
Friday my mom was off work so we went out to a great breakfast. Then to Target where I proceeded to buy everything I needed for the hospital and some little things for baby girl. Then it was off to Costco to stock up on other random things that we probably don’t need that my pregnancy brain has insisted that we have just in case. Everyone needs enough detergent for half a year of laundry, right? Right?
Dave came home and I insisted on mowing the lawn, never mind the smirk he gave me that said, “you are getting to the lunatic stage of pregnancy Michelle.” It was a really good idea until suddenly it wasn’t and I realized that maybe the last twenty or so feet still needed to be mowed and I was clearly in need of sitting on my ass with a LARGE glass of water. Maybe mowing the lawn in 87 degree weather while seven and a half months pregnant isn’t the most intelligent decision I could have made. So Dave laughed at me and gladly took over.
Saturday we did a whole lot of shopping and planting and more yard work in between bouts of thunderstorms. And there were lots and lots of those. I baked, I made pizza with our newly potted basil. I separated baby clothes into sizes. HOW does she have a better wardrobe in utero than I do after 35 years? I also made a list for the hospital and realized I haven’t even thought of a baby book for her.
Sunday we had an amazing brunch for my dad’s birthday. He insisted that it wasn’t for his birthday, that we were just having brunch for the sake of brunch. Wait, I need to tell you that I am always the freaking planner in our family, I know this surprises you. My sister Lyndsey decided to take over the planning and it was awesome. She kicks all kinds of brunch planning ass and we have officially voted her the Christmas brunch planner. I may never plan another thing ever, she did that great a job.
I made a blueberry lemon version of this breakfast cheesecake and it was delicious. We also woke up reeeeeallly late {we all slept until 10:15, can you believe it?!?!} so the fact that my contribution to brunch was already done was the biggest bonus of the morning. All I had to do was show up.
Then the Davester went on a date with me {and the rest of my family and our favorite neighbors} to see Bridesmaids. Hilarious. Go see it. Pay theater prices and laugh your ass off. My sisters loved it, my brother loved it, my dad loved it, we all laughed non-stop for two hours.
So there you have it. Our weekend filled with what I am assuming is just the start of the crazy. Stick around, you never know what’s coming next.
Now it’s your turn, what did you do?

I have come to the realization that Roxy will ALWAYS have a better wardrobe than I do. The child has more shoes than I do now and I'm the shoe freak in our family!
We didn't go see Bridesmaids although I wanted to. For our girls' night we saw Something Borrowed. It was good, but I hated the ending. Next time, its Bridesmaids and I'm already looking forward to the laughs.
I love how busy you are and how your routine and the contractions and all of that are what I'm doing too! Except, well mostly I'm lazy and I don't go out and do all that cool stuff. But we had a great weekend and I may have to see that movie because I keep hearing how hilarious it is!
Mowing the yard AND getting your husband to watch Bridesmaids? Now you're just showing off!
Hope your OB appointment goes well today.
Tee hee. Favorite neighbors. ;)
I'm glad you share your lunacy with all of us...you are a serious badass if you mowed the lawn 7 months pregnant.
Glad you liked Bridesmaids...I was debating whether I wanted to see it or not...if it has your seal of aproval than I'm totally down.
I've heard nothing but great reviews about that movie!
Can I share a crazy pregnant lady moment with you? I was 8.5 months pregnant with Noah when I decided to scrape, sand and paint the exterior stairs and our porch. In June. In 95 degree heat. It is a damn miracle that kid didn't arrive early after THAT.
It's amazing what we do when the Pregnant Crazy comes out. (Side note:, I so had you in my Reader and then SOMEHOW Reader screwed up and I have been missing out over here! All fixed now!)
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