There are eight and a half weeks left.
I just realized that I don’t have even one single diaper in the house.
No baby wash. Nothing laundered. I haven’t bought a swing. I haven’t scrubbed down her co-sleeper and washed all of the soft parts. I haven’t gone through Finn’s old clothes to see what I can use for her. I don’t know if I remember where the swaddle blankets even are or if we have them anymore. I need to find the Moby wrap too.
I do have just a couple bottles because I ran out in an absolute panic and bought them on Tuesday. Just in case.
I need a couple nursing bras too, soothies, oh and at least another nightgown for the hospital.
I haven’t even verified that her infant car seat hasn’t expired, I think hope we’re ok because we only bought it four years ago.
I haven’t talked to the amazing women that I am intending on asking begging for a guest post.
I need to set up a hair appointment, pre-natal massage, brow wax and pedicure.
Remember when we were going to be proactive about her name? Yep, nothing.
My belly has grown exponentially overnight people. I am not sure where it came from. {Coincidentally, it has squished my bladder to the size of a pea.} That big belly is making things very real, very quickly and panic has set in. I have also gained two pounds overnight… I’m blaming that salty Easter ham rather than the birthday cake.
It’s kind of all rendering me stupified {Harry Potter anyone?} instead of kicking me into gear.
Panic. Fear.
Completely and utterly overwhelmed.
I’m not sure where to even start so I called my Janet and she’s going to help me figure out a plan and do some shopping this weekend. Mamas are good at putting everything in perspective and helping you take just a step at a time.
WTF am I doing aside from hyperventilating and pretending I still have six more months to go?? Eating deviled eggs, having lunch with my friends, reading The Paris Wife, and wondering if wanting to go see the Disney PROM movie makes me a weirdo.
Please just lie to me and say that you want to see it too.

I want to see it too.
This coming from the girl that could watch the Halloweentown movies over and over again. Drives my husband bonkers when October rolls around.
I so want to see Prom. It'll be legendary.
I watch Twitches when its on so I think wanting to see PROM is okay. ;)
Your Mama brain will kick in soon and everything will be organized in a jiffy. I'm sure of it.
I've got about 5 1/2 weeks left and your post just FREAKED ME OUT! I haven't done... well... anything for this baby yet and he's coming soon. We still have to paint the boys room because it's still pink from my daughter and she's been in her new room for 3 months. My two year old isn't ready to move to a twin bed, the little baby crib we plan to use till baby is 3 months is still burried in the back of our basement storage space, I don't even know where the car seat is... that needs to be cleaned along with the baby swing. I also need to wash clothes. And find someplace to put them which means I need to clean out my son's dresser and sort his clothes too. Sigh. Hopefully your post will light a fire under my tush for this weekend, before I get too tired/achy/exhausted to do anything!
Oh, and yes! I saw the advertisement for the movie the other day and stopped what I was doing to watch it. Thought it looked cute. Realized it's probably not intended for audiences over 16... and I'm waaaaay over 16. Still looks fun. I'll probably wait for Netflix to get it in.
Prenatal massage and pedicure should be at the top of this list. Just sayin. And, um, I will shamefully admit that I too want to see the Prom movie, and so maybe we're both on our way to crazy town. But as long as it comes with a bucket of buttered movie popcorn, I'm totally cool with that.
Deep breathes did great the first time around and this time will be no different. And you already have the most important thing that for that baby girl!
I agree with Jackie, but let me know what I can do to help. I will happily watch Finna while you get things done when I get home. And the guy in Prom is hot so no one will blame you for wanting to see it.
Aaahhh, I was just in your shoes a few months ago. I say ENJOY yourself these next few weeks.
Halloweentown, Twitches, Prom - yes! So nice to know I'm not the only grown woman who enjoys these movies considerably outside my demographic. Yay! for being a kid at heart!
Relax, you're having a summer baby, all you need is some diapers, baby wash and onesies. On that note, have you acquire any of the onsies that are a dress in the front, but regular onsie in the back? They're my favorite for baby girls in the summer!
You need to call Rosie Pope...
Get the massage and pedicure and delegate everything else. I'm sure people are asking what they can do to help? Well, the cosleeper needs washing and the clothes need sorting and you need some diapers picked up... :) Good you have someone to help you get some shopping done this weekend!
Dude, you've got to get your crap together. (Sorry that I can't say anything more reassuring, but I do say this with love lol).
Thank goodness for Janet. I'm going shopping too!
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