Have you ever watched this show? I’m not quite sure why, other than the train wreck that kept me watching, and the fact that I was spending an afternoon flat on my back on the couch that made me watch in the first place, but I feel like I’ve lost an hour of my life.
My absolute favorite thing, other than feeling better about myself is the facial expressions that the bailiff has while he’s passing things to the judge. The shit he witnesses is nothing short of a circus of midgets that marry each other’s sister’s mother’s cousin. He probably feels better about himself on a daily basis too. How could you not?
Friends that hate each other, leases left because your girlfriend’s mother {ACK!} moves in, hair weaves gone wrong, people meeting online and jilted when the troll looking woman marries another person and yet continues to be ‘engaged’ to the original guy. I’m telling you, it’s a treasure trove for feeling good about yourself.
How was your weekend?

I always use it when I need an ego boost or to feel better that my life isn't so messed up. Horrible? Maybe. Does the trick? Every time!
I know, isn't it crazy! I wonder how people can be so low. I especially love the ones that are on disability of some sort and they don't work but somehow got a $5,000 tax return all while smoking their "medical" marijuana! Sadly that is how a lot of people in California are, most are low lives living off the system. Ughhhh
I love hating her...
Oh I hate her!!!!! While she is usually fair and all that, I hate the way she adds her personal opinion into her judgements. "You're stupid, you know that?" I don't care if she thinks they're stupid, and I don't think its professional to say that either. Oooh, that just makes me mad.
I find the drama of Maury and Jerry Springer so soothing and could watch that hot mess ALL DAY. In fact, I'm hoping tomorrow is a snow day so I can do just that!!
LOL - Where do they find these people? Never fails to entertain!
Oh that show is just crazy pants.
Judge Judy is on my "Top 10 Ways to remind yourself your not a loser" list...along with the show Cheaters :)
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