{Because dude, I can't be all... You can't say that! George, Izzy, & Meredith haven't watched it yet! They have fancy DVR machines! They're on the west coast!}
{But, I am totally not going to ruin it for them especially since two of them aren't even on the show anymore.}
For your reading pleasure, I give you the lazy ass bloggers excuse for a post.
Oh, I know you're all excited. You're saying to yourself, that lazy ass Michelle sure is going to make my day with her useless drivel because she is too wrapped up in watching season finales to come up with something clever.
But did you SEE Grey's Anatomy?? Holy mother.
Wait, I have to confess something first. I don't watch Grey's. Well, I used to, but then my refusal to get cable + my love affair with Michael Scott conflicted with McSteamy {because dude, he's way hotter than McDreamy} and I had to make a Sophie's Choice type decision.
So, I picked the Office. And really, I had intended on watching Grey's online, but it just didn't happen.
But I do watch the last hour and a half of the season finale every year. Come on... You and I both know that it's the best episode of the season anyway. I do that because I'm weird and then I text/call/message my friends and beg them to fill me in on what has happened all season long WHILE the show is on and they are on the edges of their seats.
Thankfully they love me or that would be annoying or something.
Because OH EM GEE that was good. And made me almost pee my pants because I was hopping around and switching back and forth to the Marriage Ref when it got too freaky. Which was pretty much all of it.

Oh. My. God.
I was GLUED to the edge of my seats and SCREAMING so loud that my husband kept coming and asking me if *I* was the one being shot.
It was literally the best episode of the entire series, I think.
You crack me up you crazy lady! Best quote from last night "Do not alert the creators of the little people! They.will.eat.you.alive!" I love Arizona and her quirkiness!!!
I so quit watching Grey's...I watch it sometimes on LifeTime, but then they were in the epsiodes I hadn't seen and I got all confused by Izzy being married to Karev ---- just weird.
So I'm pretty sure that I peed my pants the first five minutes and then continued to have a severe panic attack for the rest of the hour and 55 minutes....holy shit was that crazy!!!
You totally got to love that finale!!!
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