I am going to be doing two new things for summer here at So Wonderful, So Marvelous.
The first is a new summer recipe or menu each week. I am going to try to use local, seasonal items as much as possible and I may even throw in a vlog or two. Oh, I know you're excited to see me fuck up a vlog and look like an idiot for the internet to make fun of. Dave and I were talking about being in a cooking rut and how much we love summer for the abundance of fresh fruits and veggies so this is a challenge for me to step it up, hopefully your family will enjoy it too.
Numero dos, this is a call for YOU to be a guest poster here. Yes, you. Even if your blog has a whole two readers, including your mom. Even if you've never blogged before, but you have something to say. Even if you're wildly successful on your blog and you just want to reach more readers. If I know you, if I don't know you, regular commenters, someone that has never said hello here ever... I want to hear from you. And, you can blog about anything. Share a recipe, do something crafty, talk about your cats & cry over missing Bono {ahem Rachel}, tell us about your vacation, share instructions for perfect sweet tea with us, dirty limmerick, whatever you feel like talking about I want to hear from you.
If you are interested... and I hope that you are, send me an email with your idea or tell me that you're interested, but haven't a clue what you're going to write about. I will fill the schedule for each Friday of summer, then just send your post to me via email & you are done. Lots of link love, new readers, and something new and fun for your Friday reading pleasure. What more could one ask for??
There you have it, summah bloggy business out of the way.
What are your plans for the long weekend?

I love the recipe idea!!! I totally get stuck in a rut for recipes especially in the summer! And I can't wait to see you fuck up a vlog!!!
I've never guest blogged before but I wouldn't mind coming over here. Not sure what I would blog about since I can't seem to figure out what the hell to write on my own blog lately!
We don't have tons a plans this weekend. Raspberry Flirtins on Friday at my sissys, hopefully a pool in there somewhere this weekend and some food!!!
Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Just tagged you in my blog for something...check it out!
Love this...and I especially love that you're up for posting guest blogs by newbies, what a fun way to practice. (I just told my husband that when people ask me how much traffic our blog gets, that it feels like someone is asking me how much I weigh. Why is their such a need to know? People have to start somewhere, right?!?)
Absolutely Courtney! I think everyone should have a chance to be featured or to grow their readership. Some of my favorite blogs were found through blog rolls, guest posts, and I thought it would be a fun way to get to know some of my readers too!
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