Today, I am giving a gift to you! Me?? You say. Yes you! Please go over to http://www.designforobama.org/ and check out loads of AWESOME posters supporting Obama.

So Wonderful, So Marvelous by
Michelle Albright-Peters is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.sowonderfulsomarvelous.com.
In the interest of balance, I give you
this in lieu of M's "gift."
Get your own damn blog if you want to spout your Republicanese/Libretarianese propaganda Husband.
Maybe I will, wife.
Maybe you should, Dirtbag... errr...Husband.
Perhaps thedavester.com/yourmom
Oh you mean YOUR mom, getting it from YOUR dad. com?
And maybe your mistress Amy will be your only reader.
Ooo, OR you're a dirtbag, dirtbag, and we're both dorks.
Welcome back to 3rd grade...
I've gotta say, Dave's gift is better. :) And not the gift he posted here...
Ooooooo... going for a "run" burn, nice!
The two of you are just plain WEIRD!
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