Get it? Suckas. Because you get suckers on Halloween. Ha. Ahem.
Moving on.
My sister Lyndsey and I used to go trick or treating, then come home and dump our candies out and sort them into piles. The sorting was serious business. There was the premium chocolate pile, things like Snickers, 3 Musketeers, Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups, & Kit Kats. The fruity pile, Skittles, Sweet Tarts, and Starburst. The miscellaneous pile had Milk Duds, Suckers, & Double Bubble. I mean yeah, it wasn’t our first choice, but it WAS candy.
Right after we had my mom check everything for open packages, RAZOR BLADES! NEEDLES! SCARY THINGS! PENNIES! she always traded me anything with nuts in it for anything like Smarties or Sweet Tarts. I could get like thirty snicker bars for a handful of Smarties and a big Chewy Sweet Tart.
It was a beautiful thing.
This video made me laugh my ass off.
Happy Halloween!

Yuuummmm... special darks & banana laffy taffys. 2 of my favorites.... SERIOUSLY!!! Hope it stays warm & dry enough for you to venture out tonight. It's been drizzling here and I am praying they don't change trick or treating...
Hahaha......Have a great night!
Its funny.. my sister and I used to do that too... When my kids started going I would take a pillowcase and when their bucket got full they would dump it in the case... At the end of the night we would all sit down and group them into piles of each candy.. Then they go into the big bowl for all to share. Yes I turned into the mom that made my kids share all the candy.. It works really great cause we dont get the groans of I got this or that. I am hoping this year we dont get any 5th avenues or clark bars... They will sit in the bowl for an entire year because John ate those and we cant send them to Heaven.. my kids have me sending all kind of things to him
Candy trading is part of the deal. Halloween is not complete without it! Video = hilarious.
Holy Crap, that video is hysterical! I totally shared the link to this post on my blog. Thanks for the laughs! :-)
That video is hysterical! I'm sharing it on Facebook!
those hideous black and orange candies! ack! hate hate hate. thank god my brother loved mary janes (HOW?!?) and would give me the smarties.
You are not a real chocoholic because you spelled Reese's wrong!
Boo Boo got a ton of chocolate - like MOSTLY chocolate on Wednesday night.
I hated Good N Plenty, Bit o Honey, those awful no-named ones in the orange wrappers, double bubble, circus peanuts and almond joy/mounds. I loved all the normal chocolate ones, but also smarties and candy corn.
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