I wanted to write about the first Presidential debate last night. Then I started thinking about the fact that some of you might not share my views {and that is totally completely ok with me, even my own husband doesn’t and we manage to still like each other a lot} and I thought, well really, would talking about the debate change anyone’s views? Probably not. But changing your views or you changing mine isn’t the point.
Just like Dave telling me that ketchup belongs on hashbrowns isn’t going to have me reaching for the Heinz. Because, EW.
Before we get to the debate chat, here is what I see, the vast majority of my friends are fed up. On both sides. We’re tired of the ridiculous bi-partisanship of the whole lot of you and we wish you would get your shit together. We are paying you all stupid amounts of cash to go to Washington and act like a bunch of fools.
Eventually, someone is going to have to be the bigger person.
Do you have to like your boss or your co-workers? Hell no you don’t, but you do have to work together because guess what... SO DO THE REST OF US. Believe me, have you ever tried to reason with a 16 month old? My working conditions are not always ideal either and I don’t even have the perk of a giant salary.
Jim Lehrer, whom I normally have a lot of respect for, just let all hell break loose on the format. They looked like my sister and I as kids going round and round with a “no, you are.” “No, YOU are.” “I’m not toucccching yooooou.” “Oh yeah? I’m not touching YOU!”
I thought the President looked tired last night, he wasn’t being concise or matter of fact enough. He looked like he was really exasperated at best and fucking annoyed at worst. I wish he would have called out some of the things that were said. Frankly, and it pains me a little to say this, but Mitt just looked better last night by contrast. Watching the debate made me miss the Obama of 2008 who was idealistic and hopeful and let’s face it a tad naïve. The one who didn’t know the reality of what the Presidency of the United States will do to you. Kind of like those idealistic new parents that have no idea what is coming. That he still wants this job, wants to work his ass off to make this country and its citizens better off, is nothing short of a miracle.
I’d love to hear your thoughts if you want to share, just keep things civil or I will delete your comment. Did you watch the debate? Are you and your significant other on the same page politically? Does ketchup belong on hashbrowns?

Oh man I love you! Talking about politics on your blog could open a big can of worms, but look at you being all brave! (I would be terrified!)
We aren't too political in this household, and our families (for the most part) keep things to themselves. While I don't really know too much about the comings and goings of presidents or politicians and whatnot, I do have to agree with the "let's all get along" statement.
I'm so tired about the bashing and one-upping and back-talking and snootiness. It's really obnoxious and I hate having anything to do with debates or campaigns or those damn commercials because regardless of their stance on anything I get tired of the "He isn't as good as me!" bullshit.
No. I meant to watch, but heard the news today and felt the slant that Romney won didn't live up to what I heard in the sound bits. Yes, we agree politically. Yes, ketchup, but tell the Davester to add some sriracha with that on the hashbrowns. MMMMMMMMMMmmmM!
I watched the debate even though my dear husband wanted to watch the Cardinals game. He loves me because he let me do just that.
He's fed up with both sides and I yelled at the television when Jim couldn't control the debate. I totally agree with your description of it - I sure felt like we were in elementary school again.
And that's just really sad.
I think ketchup belongs on Romney for all of the "falsehoods" he squeezed in last night and I agree that our old friend Jim Lehrer just didn't pull off his moderator role. Romney especially ran all over him. I think Obama will be much better in the next debates - he just has to hammer Romney on the arithmetic. He got away with not answering this time but next time, watch out!
I have been holding so much in, I'm surrounded by ultra conservatives who talk crazy talk all the time, but since you asked....I agree with you completely. I guess in some people's eyes Romney was the winner last night. He certainly presented himself better, but you're right, Obama looked tired. He must be tired. How could he not be? I think Mitt is a bully. I'm sick of everyone being so stinking mean spirited about everything. People seem to be consumed with "winning" and to hell with the issues and what is truly good for the country. It makes me want to throw up.
Oh, and Jim Lehrer. Seriously?!
I dis not watch the debate, and I do not like politics. I think there is too much money involved for anyone in Washington to make and honest decision. I am a nurse, and many of the items being talked about will most certainly effect what will happen with my job. Many only see one side of healthcare. What they do not see is staff getting their hours cut, nurses taking on more patients, and many other aspects of care getting thrown to the side so hospitals can still make money. Watching politics makes me think evil thoughts and it is just better if I keep those evils thoughts to myself.
I'm still miffed they didn't let Gary Johnson in. Mommy Lisa is spot-on: Sriracha makes everything better!
Love that you have the guts to talk about this - kudos for balls of steel. :) I am barely dangerous enough to cast a semi-educated vote but still wear my sticker proudly once I do. I agree with your take on the debate last night 100%. Reminds me of the photos of Clinton that started circulating after his first term that showed how much he aged in 4 years. I do think(hope)that the President will redeem himself in the next round now that he and his team have seen the competitions play book. Bottom line - can't wait for the election to be over and the negative ads and the name calling to stop!
Seems everyone is on the same page. Four years as president would make anyone tired, but also give them invaluable experience. Read the Vanity Fair article "Obama's Way" by Michael Lewis for some great insight into what it is like to be Obama in the White House. It's an eye opener. What I clearly got from the debate is two very different ways to run our government. It is about the man, but also about what ideology you follow. What do you want? I know what I want and so does Michelle!
Aunt Linda
I love ketchup on hashbrowns...
I agree that Obama looked tired. He has been the PResident and he knows the ropes and all the red tape. Not to mention that in addition he is still running the country, whether people believe that or not. Shit rolls downhill and it is really lonely at the top. I can only imagine what a President goes through each and every day.
Also I only eat ketchup on homemade hashbrowns. McDonalds hashbrowns are best without a condiment.
Are you and your significant other on the same page politically?YES WE ARE ALTHOUGH HE PROBABLY WONT GET TO VOTE IN NOVEMBER
Does ketchup belong on hashbrowns? YES!!!!
See, this is what happens when you actually sit and think about what you are writing as opposed to my post where I just reacted to the debate in general. :) You make a point that I feel every single day: I am so fed up with the lot of them. I, too, was waiting for Obama to strike, but he never did. There were a couple of times Mitt opened the door, but he just let the moment pass. Like I said, it won't change the way I vote. But I'd feel better if I could see the "fight" in him.
Nooo ketchup on hashbrowns. :)
Never before in my forty plus years have I ever felt so out of place in this country. Two minutes is not long enough to explain a plan on how to fix medicare, social security and all the other issues we have going on right now. The presidency does seem to age people--as a matter of fact so does the secretary of state job--but the truth is Mitt Romney was better. Not sure in the big scheme of things that it means anything but I am tired of all the excuses and explanations for a poor performance. Al Gore has nerve enough to blame it on high altitude! We all have bad days, own it. BTW Michelle are you a little embarrassed about your fellow Ohioans behavior in the now infamous youtube Obamaphone video?
Crap! Forgot to add, doesn't matter if it is hash browns, scrambled eggs, or grilled cheese as long as it is Heinz!!!!
I did not watch the debate. By the time I remembered it was on it was already over with. My husband and I are on the same team...Obama! I am so ready for this election to be over with, I think they all start campaigning way too early and spend way too money on it all:) I plan to watch the next round and hopefully he will come out and kick some butt!!!
Won't watch the debates....1- they never really answer the questions 2- what a waste of time, energy, and money. Put a mission statement out on the web with your views and facts to support it and maybe I will bite. Most of the time I want to say to the candidates (with that mom look you get when your kid does something really dumb and you don't know whether to laugh or be mad) in my calm mom voice " Stop it, stop it right now.(pause for hysterics) Well? What did you expect would happen? (pause for illogical response)Hmmmm, well, wasn't the smartest thing you ever did or said but I applaud your creativity, Sweetie"... I just want a candidate who uses logic I don't care if they are "super hero party", just make sense please.
Hash browns are for getting all mix in with your eggs and sausage not for dumping ketchup on.... just straight up NAST Dave. - Queen of the Night .... OUT
For the record ketchup totally belongs on hashbrowns {and eggs for that matter}. You're welcome! :)
Angie, I must have missed the Obamaphone thing? I'm going to have to google it now!
By the way, if anyone would like to read the Vanity Fair article my Aunt Linda posted about in the comments, it can be found here:
I agree that Romney seemed to be the debate winner, but there's (obviously) a huge difference in who seemed more fierce for two hours on tv and who should be running our country. We're super "into" politics & super liberal in this house.
Just catching up on my blog reading for the past few weeks: 1) Your mom is my mom's twin. 2) Your little bro is adorable. My mom and her youngest sister are 21 years apart! and 3) That car was so hysterical! Glad you got a shot of it!
Yes, we watch it together, with lots of pausing for comments and the occasional cursing outbursts (at both) *bleeding heart liberal*
We're mostly on the same page. Mostly. Just enough to keep it interesting.
Of course ketchup on hashbrowns! (:-D
Ketchup belongs on anything potato!
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