Last night, when I was looking for entirely something else, I came across this post from two years ago. In it, I talk about my imaginary friend Kevin. It made me realize a couple things, one some of you have been around FOREVER {how do I say thank you enough for that?} and two, I am seriously weird. I feel better though that you all know that and you’re willing to still hang out with me anyway.
So, in the interest of a fun Friday, I want to hear from you again.
Even if you never comment, make the exception today.
Tell me something about yourself, your lucky number, your favorite song, where you’re from, how you started hanging out here. Something. Anything. Your dog’s name, your sister’s most embarrassing moment, the first boy you ever kissed.
Spill it.
I’ll start.
I talk too much, but you already know that. Three is my favorite number. My favorite song is Over the Hills and Far Away by Led Zepelin but, You and Me by DMB is a very close second. I’m from O-H-I-O. Uh, I started the blog because I needed friends in the computer when I started staying home with Finn? Monty is our dog and I love him to bits, I found his little picture on the internet from a dog rescue and I emailed Dave that I wanted him. Dave was vehemently anti-poodle but once he saw his shaggy little face, he wanted him too. Once, my sister Elise got arrested in an attic. And Larry {last name redacted to protect the innocent} is the first boy I kissed. I totally looked him up on Facebook and I was going to write a post about that first kiss. And two seconds later I thought, OMG what if he Googles himself and up pops a post about kissing a sixth grade Michelle and he’s like, who the fuck is Michelle?
Mortifying. In a sixth grade sort of way.
Your turn! {Yes, even you…}

I can't remember how I found your blog, I think I clicked on your link from another blog. The first post I read was about your random acts of kindness and I was hooked.
I am currently expecting my first child and I am excited and nervous. FYI the doctors said I would never conceive without help, however through diet and exercise the higher powers decided to bless me with a pregnancy for my 32nd birthday.
I love any song by Tom Petty and Tori Amos and I was once tackled by a stinky hippie at a DMB concert. I consider myself a foodie, as in I love to prepare, eat, talk, and think about food. I also think I talk too much and I think that is why I love your blog. You seem very outgoing and social like me and I relate to that. Also I sent your site your to my bestie and said make my Baby shower look like Michelle threw it. : )
My name is Liz. I love sushi, I read all the time and love my nook, and I am scared that next year my daughter will be starting high school.
BAHAHAHA. Google works wonders no?
You know me. Jess. Crazy. Runner, except I'm all types of gimpy right now which really sucks because I can totally use the stress relieving outlet. I'm pretty sure thanks to the blog and Twitter you know it all. And you know I don't share much on Facebook. HA!
I found you searching for Dr. Seuss Party ideas. Best google stumble EVER!!!
I guess I will let you know that I had a very creative childhood. I also had an imaginary friend. His name was Bubba P Coletrain and he lived under a chair in our spare room. The chair had a hole in the bottom and that's where he lived. I cried the day my parents got rid of that chair!!! Also, when we moved into the house my mom lives in now ( I was 2), I told all the neighbors my mom's name was Susie (it's Maureen) and my dad was Harry (actually Tom) and my name was Fruita Fruita Eleanor (and as you know, it's really Erin). I don't think my neighbors knew what to think!!! And the last bit of useless info I'm going to share about my childhood is that I used to have a hampster. Not that out of the ordinary, however, his name was Coochie.... and my freaking parents allowed this!!!!!
Now you know why I am as dysfunctional and boring as I am today... I got it all out as a child!!!! Bah hah hah
I have no idea how I came across your blog, but I'm glad I did and it amazes to think of how long I've been reading!
I'm Samantha, otherwise known as Sam. I'm on the cusp of being 30 and I haven't quite decided how I feel about that yet.
My favorite song is "Life Ain't Always Beautiful" by Gary Allan who is also my favorite singer.
In 3rd grade, my best friend and I had two boyfriends; we shared. In high school, I stole her boyfriend. Oops! Good thing she wasn't that into him.
I love to host shindigs, but mine are never as awesome as yours!
I'm Kim. I graduated with you. I saw you were blogging because of facebook. I read you daily almost in a stalkerish sort of way... I'm the mom of 3 my oldest graduates this year... I have a pugshund (half pug/ half dachshund)... I am a recent single mom who is now back in the dating scene which is scary in itself... Most embarrassing things thats happend to my sister Amy is a few year ago she lost a contact at the german american fest and in february she was in chicago and she was walking and her nose piercing fell out so she was lookin for her stud on the street while wind was whipping through her hole. TOO FUNNY
I'm a new reader, so I try not to comment too much and be overzealous, but I can't resist an invitation like that.
I live in Thailand and have two boys. The way you write about your son is what drew me in and kept me reading.
One of my oddities is that I know with absolute conviction in my heart which days of the week are boys and which are girls. Monday-girl, Tuesday-boy, Wednesday-girl, Thursday-boy, Friday-boy, Saturday- boy, Sunday-girl. It is inborn knowledge, what can I say?
My first kiss was with a boy named Rafael Diaz, behind the elementary school. 4th grade?
I'm Liz. I'm 26. I have a cat that likes to vomit on everything, a boyfriend who picks his nose after cutting hot peppers, and a "step-son"-ish (boyfriend's son) who is 4 and is a mini version of my boyfriend right down to the toes. I live in southeastern Massachusetts, where I have lived for most of my life. I work at a major hospital in Boston with which I have a love-hate relationship.
I found your blog via the Google machine: I was looking for inspiration for a Cars birthday party. And, thankfully, I found your party first (which I proceeded to rip off in some regards). :) P.s. thank you? That party was the shit. And I think that Anthony would totally tell me that if he was allowed to say "shit" at 4 years of age. YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THE CAKE I SLAVED OVER! Amazing.
I have a blog I neglect. Apparently, my boyfriend purchased the domain so there will soon be a He also told me that there will be a "take your shirt off tax" for me to use it. That conniving bastard.
Oh, also, I somehow got your blog blocked as porn by my work filter. You sexy biatch, you.
I have no recall of how I ended up here, but have certainly enjoyed reading and coming back. My favorite band is DMB, so I like your song choice. :) I started blogging with my best friend, and even though she doesn't blog anymore, I've continued on my own. We do hope to publish a book of hilarious conversations between us, however. Just as soon as we get it together enough to start working on it. LOL
ugh, so I'm a cyber stalker! I'm pretty shy in real life, but we met once a while back when we were planning our weddings. somehow I found your blog because I also read 86nit because of the knot days. So, I read yours and Nikki's blogs and wish we were all friends because you two are so awesome and funny! I love your stories about your kids, the party planning ideas you have, and the fact that you are so honest and yourself on this blog!
I live in Toledo with my husband Tom and little boy, Max. I'm a librarian and as you might imagine, read a lot! I love Pinterest and follow you on there too. Favorite song? These Are Days by Natalie Merchant.
Most embarrassing moment--I tipped a desk over onto myself in college, trying to pick up a pen, and the prof just kept lecturing while I tried to get the desk off of me!!!
My name is Necole. I found your blog from another blog. My favorite number is 5. Jane Says by Jane's Addiction is my favorite song. Old, Old country music puts me at ease. When I see something that I really like, I tend to get jazz hands and start talking like a valley girl. I was born in the midwest, but raised in Texas. I absolutely love living here. The first boy I ever kissed was Johnny. We were playing in the snow when I lived in Iowa. I was three.
reading the comments here are super fun.
i don't remember how we started chatting/blog visiting. you help me with technology ish things like adding nonsense to my blog that i can't figure out on my own (like the pinterest/facebook icon thing). i don't use my first name in blogland. i'll be 33 in two weeks. i have a cat named sunday and a kitten named lily that i'm still not sure we're keeping. my favorite song is so unlike what people would expect of me, but it is scenario by a tribe called quest. i may youtube it after this comment b/c now i feel like old school rapping.
yep, totally just did that, and i can still rock those fast talking lyrics.
I'm Jennifer. I slept over at your house once in 6th maybe 7th grade. You described your house to me as the one with a giant pine tree in the front. The pine tree truly was giant.
I'm 37 and scared I'm going to die when I'm 38 cuz my mom did.
I have 8 kids and I want 2 more but I'm really tired of having sex.
I am so busy that sometimes I cry. Yet I am totally happy.
I love watching old school 90210 and Project Runway and eating Melting Moments Ice Cream Cookie sandwiches. I like eating anything that tastes good.
Hi, I'm Jessica. I just recently came across your blog after looking for inspiration for my blog. My family eats almost entirely non-processed foods but I don't bat an eye at eating bag of Sour Patch Kids. I'm trying to figure out how to be happy(er). My favorite song is Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley and my favorite meal is dessert.
I've been "following" your blog since the beginning... stumbled across it from your days on TK/TN. :) My husband and I live around the corner from you (at the risk of sounding stalkerish...) and I only figured that out from our evening walks with our pup because we've always loved your house and saw photos here once or twice.
Hi! I'm Sarah and I'm 26 years old. I relocated last year to Denver from California with my little one and my man. (It's really hard getting used to this place...)
I've tried to blog for years and years and I just can't keep up with it.
I totally obsess over Harry Potter, Ugly Betty, and fizzy water. I talk A LOT and I am lucky to have a guy that just finds it amusing and not annoying! I dream of being crafty and writing a book, but I just can't seem to get things together!
I came across your blog when you did the random acts of kindness for your birthday and I've stuck around ever since!
Also, I'm 30. No kids, yet (just one furbaby) and I never hear the end of it from my huge family. Favorite number is 28. I follow about 200+ food blogs and love cooking/baking. Favorite bands include Coldplay, Ben Folds Five, Guster, DMB, Billy Joel, Semisonic and Linkin Park. We're big fans of Craftsman homes and we've fixed up ours over the past seven years and don't ever want to leave it, but it's becoming smaller and smaller...
So....your MOTHER didn't make the interesting tidbit list but Mini Janet getting arrested did? hmmmmm, I'll remember THAT at Christmas! Fist boy I kissed was Bill Voyles in kindergarden Mrs Seagul's class (afternoon pm) bet you didn't know THAT! and I love, love, love the smell of bleach (so clean) hence the fact YOU have an adversion to cleaning :)
okay I meant FIRST not FIST (god that is ugly story just WAITING to happen)....DO NOT SUBMIT THIS TO ELLEN
KEEP THEM COMING! I am dying over here, you all are hilarious.
Lisa & Amanda, then do you know each other too? Email me, neither one of you have your emails linked to your profile!
Mom, your first kiss was kindergarten, I mean really? Jesus Janet.
Oh and I will be blog stalking all of you who have your blogs linked in your profile. :-)
Your mother's post takes first prize in my opinion! :) Wanted to add a little more, I'm 32 yrs old, My children are 13 and 11. My husband works in Cleveland so he come home only on the weekends. My 11 yr old thought it would be fun to make a rope out of sheet, a bathrobe, and a blanket and climbed out his second floor bedroom one time. And I found your blog thanks to Karen and reading about your random acts of kindness.
Let's see...what don't you know about, I'm a big law nerd (way bigger than you might think), I think shaving is a tool from the devil, and my BDCC (blood Diet Coke content) is probably always in the .465 range.
Ok I am trying to remember how I stumbled upon your blog....I can't remember for the life of me but so glad I found it {my favorite}.
I love to scrapbook but who in the hell knows when I will have time for it again. My husband threw out all my grannie pregnant undies so I went and spent $80 freaking bucks on undies at Victorias Secret today! At least I got a free gift;) I got to see the space shuttle ndeavor today on its way to LA. I am like the worlds worst blogger....very inconsistent. My used to hate the color pink but now it's like my favorite color, probably because I am surrounded by boys and all things blue and boyish.
Okay, I am Erica, 29yo mother of 2 from Des Moines, IA (Don't hold it against me, hehe). Just got married 2 months ago, have 2 dogs - a yellow lab named Jake who is 6, and a charcoal lab named Bolt who is 9 weeks (Might as well have a newborn baby for all the sleep I'm not getting since we got him.)
I found your blog via some other blog I was reading at the time - possibly Kelle Hampton at Enjoying The Small Things - who had linked to your birthday RAOK post (which I loved) & I've been hooked ever since. (Truth be told, you are the only blog left I have not un-followed!!)
My favorite # is 23, my favorite movie of all time is The Wizard of Oz (I can quote every line of dialogue or song from start to finish), our daughters have very similar names - Tate & Tatum - we are a family full of Jeepers, my husband & I both have modified Jeeps that we love to take offroading, I'm a redhead and I live up to almost every stereotype for them I can think of (but I despise the word 'ginger'), I agree with Emily - I HATE SHAVING. I will do my arm pits but, sorry husband, shaving my legs (especially being a curvy girl) takes WAY longer than I have at my disposal unless it's a special occasion.
I did try to blog once... I told myself for months it was a good idea and I was sure I'd keep up with it - I even made lists of things I wanted to talk about to ensure I'd have enough material to keep it going... I think I posted 4 times, realized I could never be concise enough to make anyone want to read me, and never went back. My first kiss was when I was 12 (gosh, I feel like a leper compared to you people!) and all I remember thinking was "I didn't expect tongues to be that spongey!" Last week I had to explain tampons to my 10 year old son, that might win the award for most awkward conversation ever.
This comment proves my point about lacking conciseness. :)
I came across your blog because you're friends with my sister-in-law, Amy, and incidentally, my husband and my sister's husband went to high school with your husband. I love reading your funny stories and knowing that there are other moms out there thinking and feeling the same things I am. I have 3 kids--8, 6, & 4. My family of 5 is obssessed with Halloween and we start prepping in about March. Any occasion to plan a party, I'm in heaven. First boy I ever kissed was my best friend's younger brother. Maybe 11 yrs old. Truth or dare sitch. Awkward. Much, much later in life, I kissed her older brother too. What was my problem? I'm totally that mom that has a hard time not laughing when my kids say something inappropriate (toilet humor, maybe an accidental cuss word). As a result, we always have to run down the list of words not to say when we're on our way over to the gandparents' house. This also applies to songs we like to listen to on the radio. "Dont ever sing this song out loud kids. Ok?" Most recently, "Whistle" by Flo Rida. You see what I'm saying? I had to have "the talk" with my 8 yr old a few months ago, to which she responded..."So, you let dad do that to you? Where? Was it in the bathroom? Did I see it?" Good.Lord. Sometimes I feel like my life is a series of hilariously, awkward moments. Not her most embarrassing moment, but one I'm sure she regrets, as a kid, my sister made the mistake of telling me that she would belt out this Mr. Big song every time she rode her bike home from her friend's house. Harmless enough, but to this day I've never let her live it down and remind her of it whenever I hear the song. What are big sisters for, right? Ridicule and friendship.
Hi Michelle! Shannon here....Stephanie from high school posted a link to your blog on FB and I've been following ever since. Yours was the first blog I got hooked on.
I have a degree in Home Economics and LOVE to cook and eat. I could eat Mexican food every day (and often do). I'll choose salty over sweet all the way. I even put a sprinkle of salt on my ice cream. When I do make chocolate chip cookies I usually put aside half of the dough to eat on its own.
My favorite color is blue.
My favorite smell is citrus.
I'm always in the process of reading several books (usually because I want them to last).
I heart oldies music and one of my favorite songs is Cherish by The Association.
As for embarrassing things....last week my class (Adult ESL not Home Ec) asked me what "douchebag" meant as an insult (douche is the German word for shower). I then had to explain douche as we use it in English. Then we YouTubed Summers Eve commercials.
The first boy I kissed was Francisco. It did not go over well. I thought it was very awkward - but maybe that's because the guy was awkward!
Hysterical post. My favorite number is 6. And I have 3 dogs, one of whom is also a shaggy poodle. Actually he's a golden doodle, but only poodle came through--which is funny because my husband had rejected poodle. And is extra funny because he is huge, when his parents were medium and we, especially hubby again, wanted medium. But 70 or so (hard to say is still not a year old) pounds poodle it is.
I think it is really funny I told you all about my dogs and nothing about my kids. Ooops.
Wow....lets see first kiss was Steve remember that boy we fought over and didn't speak for like a year???? Favorite number if 7. Song...please don't make me choose. I have a diablo dog named Lucca, a fantastically patient fiancee and a new mortgage. Now if I just got full felling in my right side life would be grand!
Oh and if we could ever catch up....I see a girls spa weekend in the future. You up for it???
My 17lb boston terrier once at an entire Jumbo sized bag of Lays Ruffled potato chips. Later she ate a bag of Hershey's Hugs. We're bad at keeping food up, apparently.
I was 16 when I got my period and my first kiss (not on the same day, thankfully).
I'm from oHIo as well, but mostly from Maryland. I live in North Carolina now.
I grew up in a house that had a very steep driveway. When I was 13, I got on the bus (stopped at my house) and realized I forgot my hockey stick. I got off, ran down the hill and slipped on black ice in my brand new shoes landing flat on my back. I was also in my brand new green skirt, purple tights and green and purple striped sweater (it was 1992, game day and my mom still dressed me, don't judge). I got the wind knocked out of me in front of the entire bus. I lifted my arm to wave the bus off and laid there for a few minutes trying to call for my Mom while I caught my breath.
Apparently I shouted "you dirty who$e" in my sleep last night. Not sure what that was all about but would really like to remember the dream...or maybe not.
I love your blog, not sure how I found you, but when I did, I stayed because your so funny!!!
I live in MO (wished I lived closer to you, bc I would totally be your best friend). I wish I was a stay at home mom but I can not, not 100% sure I would be good at it anyway. My husband is disabled and is now staying home with our 5 yr old and I am kind of jealous!!!!
I have been married for 15 years and we have 3 kids. We are crazy busy with kid schedules and work and school and church and anything else we get ourselves into.
Love your blog keep the funny stories coming!
My lucky number is non-existent. I have just never found a feeling of attachment in my heart for a particular numeral. My favorite song is "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." I's a bit cliche, but I can't help myself. Every time I hear that ukelele my heart gets all ooey gooey inside of me and I start waxing nostalgic about all of the happy memories I have with loved ones. I'm from SoDak. baby! The home of Mt. Rushmore and fields of...everything. I truly cannot remember how I started hanging out at SMSW, but I do have to say I'm sorry I haven't been around as much lately! I don't have a dog, but we are looking at getting one this summer and the other day Caden declared that he would name it Dinosaur...can you tell what he is into right now? Okay, that's enough.
Oh, P.S. The first boy I kissed was named Jack, but I do NOT have happy memories of him. I kissed him the first time in grade 6 and then he started really liking me. The next year in Grade 7-when I was NOT "going out" with him he came up to me in the hallway, turned me around and kissed me full on the mouth in front of ALL of my friends. I was mortified. Mor-ti-fied! When Kevin asked about naming our Jack Jack, Jack...well, I had to really work through that memory! LOL!
REALLY LATE in chiming in here, but why not??? My first kiss was in a movie theater, and I thought it was cool that I was wearing my retainer. After the first one, it was not so cool, so I took it out and hung it around the straw of our shared drink. Sexy.
Love your blog...this is my first time finding it, and I've been clicking and reading for over an hour...I should be sleeping...I have a 4YO boy, Jack, and a 1YO Girl, Lander. I also have 2 blogs... and Stop by sometime if you want!
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