This week has been a little cray.
Not going to lie, I think it was the universe’s way of making sure that I was just off kilter enough that I didn’t lose my shit when Finn went off and left me. I mean, yes, he’s only gone to kindergarten and yes, it’s only six hours a day, but dude the house is so quiet that it freaks me out.
Oh, and NOT ONE of you told me that taking him on the second day would be WAY harder than taking him on the first day because damn, it really settles in that MY BABY IS GOING TO SCHOOL now. Wake up Michelle, this is your new normal. There will be lunch packing and watching your child choosing his uniform and it’s all too much. I miss Thor and Hawkeye and Iron Man and the daily costume changes.
I had to turn on the TV which I never do during the day. I didn’t realize how much he talks and that little one, she just screams like the wild banshee that she is when she wants something. We’re going to need to work on that. Plus, she’s had a cold, the amount of snot descending from that tiny little nose is unreal.
But anyway, the weirdest start to a week ever...
It started off with President Obama driving past our house.
On Labor Day no less.
Which, ok… maybe some of you are Republicans or Libertarians, there may even be a few Green Party peeps in my readership. I get it, I wouldn’t have been thrilled to bits about seeing Bush either. But, for a five year old? Think of yourself as a little kid and the day before school starts for you, the President of the United States AND an entire motorcade of police vehicles and other official cars with lights going drove by your house. We also spotted a drone and helicopter, dude they aren’t messing on security. Plus, they block all traffic and then they drive like a bat outta hell.
It was pretty awesome, even Dave said so and he’s obviously not a Barack fan.

Omg I'm so jealous! I tried to talk Joe into going out to the airport to try and stalk/see him but he wouldn't.0
I don't care what your politics are, it's still freaking cool when the prez drives by.
That is so cool, and what an amazing thing for Finn to get to see!
According to one of the pictures of the black cars... there's only one person out there taking pictures? ONE person?! (reflection on the side of Obama's car) That's kinda sad.
Every so often a President comes to the Little League World Series. It is pretty cool. It doesn't matter your political preference, like someone else said, it's a pretty cool thing to see!!!! They shut down all our highways and bridges and drive the whole motorcade on the wrong side of the highway and across the bridge.
I bet Finn was super stoked about it. What an awesome thing for him to see!! Something he will remember all his life :)
It must have been the angle of how I took the pic. There were probably 15-20 people on our corner and a bunch of people along the rest of the route too.
When we got married I sent an invite to the White house and have an official decline from President and Mrs. Bush, who wished us much love and happiness but could not get away to attend. Me, not a big Bush supporter but come on a signed letter from the President? Cool as hell.
The above was stupid google didn't "attach" my name. lol I'm the unknown...
WHAT? the second day is harder?! I will have to try and remember that so I can prepare.
That's so flipping cool the President drove by!! I would jumping up and down with excitement. I saw Air Force One take off from an airport by our house a couple years ago and that was pretty darn cool, I couldn't imagine him driving by. Way Cool!
I grew up in the suburbs of DC and motorcades still excite me.
Tawny, it was so funny because there were all of these people complaining about traffic being screwed up and Dave just kept saying, "Well, lucky they don't live in DC, we'd have to hear them bitching non-stop."
So as your MOTHER, I cannot tell you how proud I am of you for.....
1) not melting down and embarassing Finn in front of his new school peeps
2) that you got your husband to go out and watch President Obama's motorcade
3) that you married a Republican so you can OFFSET HIS VOTE in this year's election
just like other great women in your family, you'll wear the Davester down... OR he'll DECIDE by himself TO STAND UP FOR HIS DAUGHTER'S RIGHTS AS AN EQUAL AMERICAN FOR PAY AND CHOICE ....all right, I'm done :)
wonder where all your rants and snark come from?
You missed a "c" in Barack in the second is smacking my OCD in the face.
Good one Janet! How did we end up with so many Republican husbands in this family? At least they've learned better leave the politics at home at family gatherings! They'll never win an argument with this group.
Aunt Linda
OMG your mom's and aunt's comments are HYSTERICAL. This whole post was awesome. I won't lie I keep wondering where you are in Ohio because when you mentioned Ikea (in your about page) I thought maybe you were near me in SW Ohio, but I don't remember Obama being here recently. But i coulda been oblivious. OK I sound like a stalker but I don't know any other bloggers near me! And yeah the second day was worse for me too, because on the second day my youngest just grabbed her sister's hand, walked away from my car, and never even looked back! WAH!
That's crazy! I guess he was on his way to a campaign stop? They have to drive somewhere - and so awesome that it happened to be by your house!
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