Allow me to set the scene. We are watching this awful annoying chef on PBS, it is like a train wreck. We just can’t stop.
Dave: Finn, that is not nice!
Me: What did he say??
Dave: I asked what he was making and Finn said diarrhea! Wait, look at it…
Me: Finna, that isn’t very nice to say. {While trying to hold back laughing because it DID look like diarrhea.}
Finn: I didn’t say diarrhea! I said, “no idea!”
Dave: {hysterically laughing}
Me: Dave!
Finn: I said it in my Scooby voice!
Dave: Well, surprisingly “no idea” in Scooby voice sounds like “diarrhea.”
We’re watching How I Met Your Mother, Ted opens the door and Robin kisses him.
Finn: Well, that was fast.
Finn: I know everything about you, Mom.
Me: Oh, yeah? What is my name?
Finn: Uh, Michelle Albright-Peters.
Me: How old am I?
Finn: Uhhhhh, fifty four maybe?
Me: Punk.
Finn: And you like to pay bills on the computer.
Me: You have clearly mistaken me for someone else.
Finn: Dad. You look weird. Go look in the mirror.
{5 second pause}
Finn: You look like you work at Sonic.
{5 second pause}
Finn: Daddy. Is that a Sonic shirt? Yeah. Yeah, it IS a Sonic shirt.
{It was totally a Miller Lite shirt that Dave loves and will probably never wear again.}
Finn: Mom, how do you spell F-B-I?
Me: Finn if you want dessert, eat your dinner. You know what, you don’t even have to finish everything, just finish the peas.
Finn: I just drank peas and I don’t even chew them.
Me: Finn! Chew your food!
Finn: No, really… me and Oliver do it.
Me: Well don’t do that.
Finn: Well how about just eating the pea out of the pea skin?
Me: Finn, eat AND chew the rest of your peas. All of them.
Want more Finnisms for your Friday?
June 2010 {he was so little!! I think this was the first Finnisms?}
March 2011 {two hundred million dollars}
November 2011 {Jesus never had a bed}
March 2011 {sorry about the testicles Daddy.}
January 2012 {his foot has sparkles}

Oh my goodness, I LOVE reading these!!! He's so funny... Are you sure he's as young as you say???
Just wait until it's Finnisms AND Tateisms!!!! :)
"Well, that was fast." - Priceless. :)
love love love
LOL Awesome.
Love the Finnisms posts:)) And sometimes it's so hard not to laugh and trying to keep a straight face makes it even worse.
These are so cute :) love.
Oh, Finnisms...seriously, he is such a riot!
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