I am happy for the return of Ohio State Football and Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.
I am anxious for crisp Jonagold apples picked right off the tree and pumpkin carving with Finnegan.
I love cool nights curled up with the Davester {and usually Tate as well} and cooler weather foods like stew and Fakesgiving.
Pretty soon there will be boots! And sweaters! And the smell of crinkly leaves!
What is your favorite thing about fall?

That it isn't 100 degrees. And I can wear jeans and long sleeve shirts. WOO!
Jeans and football jerseys, the smell of fallen leaves and fireplaces.
Cardigan sweaters, boots, and pumplin spice lattes. Oh yeah, and my husband lets his beard get a little thicker. I love it!
FOOTBALL, hot Apple Cider...mmmmm Hay rides, homemade doughnuts, picking pumpkins and Apple dumplings. Oh how I ♥ Fall!!!!
I just bought this SUPER cute orangey red and white striped scarf that I can't wait to try out with my white t-shirt and navy cardigan, and MY NEW BROWN BOOTS and skinny jeans! Oh I LOVE fall clothes!
And Sunday football ALL DAY LONG and I love the new Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha and the changing of the leaves and all of their gorgeous colors. Although right now I am squeezing every last bit of sunshine out of the late summer we are having!
I cannot wait for days with the sliding door still open to smell the air and making chicken sausage stew!
Oh my gosh, there are so many things I love about fall: soups, stews & chilis; fall boots, sweaters & scarves; football all the time - I am an Ohio State, Notre Dame (because of the hubby) and Browns fan; the color of the changing leaves; fall drinks like apple cider, Oktoberfest (although I will have to miss out on that this year!); pumpkin picking & carving; anything pumpkin & apple!
I love having my windows open on the permanent, prepping the garden for spring, baking apple-y deserts and chili, busting out my boots and sweaters, Halloween...So many things to love about Fall! And, I just had a Pumpkin Spice Latte this morning. Holy delicious, Batman.
Though I'm looking forward to wearing boots and scarves and I do like that it cools off at night with a crispness that can only mean fall is around the corner, I am sad to see summer go. Ours didn't arrive until August (weather-wise) and I just don't feel like I've had enough!
confession: i have never had a pumpkins spice latte from starbucks, but people seem to be capital O obsessed with them. for me, fall means crispy leaves that i shuffle through, pumpkin carve, apple cider, caramel apples, and hauling too many tubs of decorations. and after halloween clearance shopping. glorious!
Leaving the windows open, breaking out the fall scented candles, a fire in the fireplace, KU football, watching the trees change colors, boots, sweaters and scarves, decorating for Halloween and fall recipes.
I don't like the really cold weather, so fall is perfect - a light jacket is really all I want. Something so it's not so blasted hot that I die everytime I walk outside. Oh and those yummy lattes are pretty awesome too.
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