My Dear Readers,
These five cameras were procured from a box. We have no Earthly clue as to what is on them. Are there places to even get these developed anymore?
The last time this happened, Dave took them all to be developed and it was a session of Michelle’s Badness, A Photo Array. There was one from a trip I took to Hocking Hills with A*, followed by pictures of the trip I took with Dave to Hocking Hills… yeah, that wasn’t awkward at all. There were artsy pics of V* smoking, and a girls trip to Put-In-Bay** which may or may not have incriminated me further. These pictures had Dave rolling with laughter and elicited questions of just how many people I dated.
Basically, the only good thing that came from our foray into mystery camera land was finding a photo of me at my skinniest. Or was that totally depressing? I don’t remember which.
When we came across these five beauties hiding out in a box, Dave wanted to leap to get them developed so he could torture me further. I, on the other hand, would like to toss them. I may be convinced to get the underwater one developed because I think those are photos of our mini honeymoon in Cancun… but one can not be so sure. I also think the Digital one is Finn’s camera of our California trip… it’s the other three that have me, ahem, concerned.
To Develop, or Not To Develop… THAT is the question.
*All names have been initialized to protect the innocent.
** For those of you not in the midwest, please picture drunken debauchery on an island in the middle of nowhere and the saying, “What goes to the Bay, stays at the Bay.”

Oh and the debauchery that goes on at Put in Bay....a group of friends and I took annual trips there for about 6 years...made shirts for everyone for each year...oh the memories/blackouts! Get times...Round House bar sooo fun.
Love your blog...your children are the cutest!
Develop them!!
Dude, you've GOT to get them developed. Drop 'em off at Costco then meet me for coffee :)
I agree with everyone else. You have to develop! Just make sure you do the pickup so you can see first :)
As someone who could very easily also be incriminated....I saw develop! You only live once girl and you wouldn't want to miss something awesome just because there might be a photo of you participating in something sketchy.
Develop for sure!
I would totally do it!! Develop them for sure!! They are memories after all, and whether they
re embarrassing or not... well.... its how you react. Laugh at them! :)
You HAVE to develop!
This is too funny! Hubs and I are having a similar argument over an instant camera of his. One day I'm going to kidnap it...
Oh my word I'm dying. I have about 5 of those lying around...I think developing is the brave thing to do. But I've never been that brave!!! :)
Develop them and then post the pictures on your blog!!!
We cleaned out our basement and found some film canisters that weren't developed. Hubs ended up getting them developed - they were from hubs' ex's trip to visit him in France when he was studying abroad. He was happy to has those pictures, though.
I would say... develop it!!!
You might find precious pictures in your past:)
I say develop and then show us what's on them! ;)
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