I am epically bad about eating breakfast myself. Horrible. Awful. Rotten.
The Finnster on the other hand? He’s awesome at it. It is probably his favorite meal as evidenced by his early waking and breakfast demands.
The problem is, we’re in a breakfast rut.
He gets on these kicks where he wants the same breakfast every morning. Right now it’s a Danimals Smoothie {which he calls a Monkey Milkshake because it has a picture of a monkey on it} and a bowl of Fruity Cheerios. Before that it was Frosted Mini Wheats. Before that it was yogurt and a Fiber One bar. Before that it was frozen waffles. The winter usually brings oatmeal with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a teaspoon of dark brown sugar.
We need some new ideas. My only criteria is that it be healthy-ish. Bonus points if he can make it himself and/or I can make it while half asleep. {You can thank Tate’s 4 am feedings for my sleepy mornings.}
So give it to me straight. What are your kids eating for breakfast? What are YOU eating for breakfast? And what are your tried and true breakfast ideas?

One of the favourites in our house is yogurt with berries. Another one is toast with nutella... they love this!! Or, toast with honey... and you could use a fun cookie cutter and make dinosaurs or something!! That goes over really big with my boys!! They are also huge pancake fans, although I've seen your pancakes on this blog and you certainly don't need to refine those at all!!
I could use some ideas also. My boys ages 3 and 1 hardly eat anything for breakfast. Toast and a go-gurt most of the time but they too go through phases. I feel like a horrible mom because they hardly eat anything at breakfast. I am always trying to give them new things and they never end up liking any of it, it just ends up on the floor for the dog to eat.
Breakfast is so hard. I usually make my husband eggs after our walk (we get up at 5:15 to walk before he goes to work). I find myself at work and hungry around 9am. The only breakfast I really enjoy is a ripe avocado smashed onto good, crusty bread. That or something really bad for me like a chick-fil-a chicken biscuit. Yeah, that doesn't help much at all, does it?
I had dessert for breakfast yesterday, and an apple today. Nolan just drinks fake milk. :) I'm no help to you at all!
Franca is also a champion breakfast eater while I've never been a big fan of breakfast. I do:
-scrambled eggs with spinach and feta
-smoothies (greek yogurt, berries, spinach, sometimes bran)
-blueberries and oatmeal
-nutella and PB toast
-pumpkin pancakes
-sauteed peaches with milk and crackers
One we used to do - cinnamon toast and sliced apples dipped in peanut butter. One we do now is overnight oats - that way you can prepare it the night before (when you are awake) and he can just grab it from the fridge and eat. It's 1/3 cup of oats, 2 TBS of chia seeds, 3/4 cup of whatever kind of milk you use. Stir it together, then stir in a spoonful of real maple syrup or honey and his favorite fruit (sliced bananas, blueberries, strawberries, etc). By morning, the chia seeds absorb the liquid and the texture is thick and creamy. I know it sounds weird, but everyone I know that has tried it, loves it. :)
There are some awesomely healthy muffin recipes that I love from Gillian Michaels and (my fave recipe site) Skinny Taste.com that use sugar free apple sauce, whole wheat flour and fresh fruit to make extremely yummy breakfast fare.
I love it because you can make a batch on Sunday and voila! You've got breakfast for Monday through Friday without having to lift a finger.
Maybe you could have muffins with a bowl of fruit for the mornings? And you can try out different recipes so you don't get sick of eating the same thing.
This is a fabulous summer recipe: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2011/08/mixed-berry-whole-wheat-muffins.html
And I adore making this recipe as muffins for fall: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2009/10/pumpkin-banana-bread.html
Whew! Aren't I a rambler? I'll stop talking now... :)
Flynner enjoys the mini whole wheat bagels, fruit (cut it up beforehand and that way he can grab it out of the fridge without you) yogurt, the toast with nutella was a phase for him and now he wont touch it..pancakes are his FAVORITE(sometimes we have them for dinner). However in all honesty, Big Flynn is really good about making him the works, eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, etc. Guess that is the benefit of having a chef in the fam!
make small pancakes & then can freeze & pop in the toaster as needed. Then doctor them up - peanut butter & banana. Cream cheese & jelly. Whatever you want. have a kid sized yogurt with it. (get good quality big ones & divide up into small containers.) Mini muffins freeze well also. You can put oatmeal in food processor & grind down to a nice flour - adds a nice taste for the pancakes & the muffins.
So your job is to tell us what works :) Ava starts school Monday and the kid hates breakfast. I find that if she eats crackers with peanut butter it's a win. She won't even eat PB on bread or waffles. I have no clue what we're gonna do. Maybe she'll figure out that there is no snack time in kinder so she better start to eating!
We always make extra french toast, pancakes, waffles for the freezer. Corn muffins - from the jiffy box - with jelly and fruit is a good one. Boo Boo also loves Kefir or a hot dog bun with PB and a banana "hot dog". We have also had cocoa flavored Somersaults, a sesame snack for breakfast.
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