Happy Friday!
I was flattered when Michelle asked me to contribute to So Wonderful, So Marvelous today!
I have known Michelle since I was planning my fabulous wedding almost 6 years ago. So Wonderful, So Marvelous is such a great spot for so many ideas… I am not so sure you will get any of those from me today.
I was worried about what to write…fathers day? No. Hatred of showering? Nah. My want for a tequila shot at 11am at work most days? Um…maybe.
A little about me…
I am a semi-step mom. What does that even mean?
I am dating a guy, Jeff, who has two kids. I am the ‘mom’ at our house. We are not married but we may as well be. Over 3 years later and I have been there most of the kids’ lives.
I procrastinate like it is my job. Hell, I procrastinate at my job. The boss still hasn’t caught on yet so I don’t see it as a flaw at all.
I like to post odd pictures of myself on the web.
I have an unnatural love of marshmallows and fruit roll ups.
I like to swear in my everyday language when there are not virgin ears surrounding me.
I am, first and foremost, a consumer. Not a saver. Give me a dollar and it’ll be gone before you realize I snatched it outta your hand. Spending = fun for me.
I also recently realized that the girl scouts have effed me up for life.
Yup, those cookie toting vixens have me all screwed up.
I followed all of their rules.
I sang their songs; Alice the Camel, Boom Chicka Boom and Singing in the Rain (a personal favorite).
I ate their snacks.
Earned their badges.
Wore their cutesy brownie uniform and then was upgraded to the Girl Scout uniform of kelly green and a new badge sash.
I am pretty sure my mom just super glued the badges on because she did not know how to sew at all.
But when the Girl Scouts told me to be prepared. I took them uber seriously.
Perfect example. Saturday Jeff and I went to Put-In-Bay, an island on Lake Erie where driving golf carts while buzzed is the pastime, and highlight, of the trip.
Before we left I struggled with what to wear, naturally. The weather was iffy at best. It could rain, it could be blazing with sunshine, it could have a cold snap with some lake weather…hell it coulda snowed. Tank top? Hoodie? T shirt? Capri’s? WHAT DO I WEAR???
I had a bag packed with another shirt in it, in case mine was wet from the rain, a hoodie, more makeup, toiletries and some snacks. Also some advil, some candy and some pop.
It took me about half an hour of feeling traumatized for having left out a book and a pen, you know justincase, that I realized I am freakin nuts.
So I left the bag at home.
It didn’t rain once.
It was a perfect day.
I coulda used the pen…but what can you do.
I blame it all on my days as a Girl Scout.
Be prepared can really mess a bitch up!
I also blame my extra 10 pounds on those damn, delicious, delectable cookies they peddle.
The world would be a cold, dark place without them.
But a day of winery hopping and golf cart driving ended up like this.
And by winery hopping I mean having 4 bottles of wine at the same winery.
Happy Friday and Happy Father’s Day!

Wow--imagine meeting you here!?! I will now see a whole new side of Amanda S... Don't worry, it will be our little secret.
Funny stuff!
:) That is really cute! Now what will I write??? Eeek!
Sherry...seriously an odd place to meet up! Happy to see you around the blogging world though~
Such a fun post!!! I'm totally down with her sense of humor....love it!!!
She sounds like such a fun person! Great post.
Hysterical! We would definitely be friends, can't wait to check Amanda's blog out.
Aww...so many great comments...comments make me happy. LIke a glass of muscato at the end of a work day.
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