1. My house is super clean (thank you Lori & Diane for doing an AWESOME job cleaning!!) and lovely and *almost* ready for tomorrow night. I am so excited, I can hardly stand it.
2. My step-dad might be gay according to my mother. He DOES have impeccable taste. The reason she's suspecting him of latent homosexuality? This.

Dear Readers... that is a Christmas tree meticulously cut out of red and green peppers with a star at the top. He not only made the delish spinach and artichoke dip, but decorated it as well. Fa La LA La Laaaaaa!
P.S. Rico, you know you're my kindred entertaining spirit. If you weren't having sex with my mother, I would probably marry you myself.
3. Finnegan is repeating everything we say. Everything. So yeah... if you see a little midget dropping the F bomb, he probably belongs to us.
4. If you haven't gotten your Christmas card from me yet, you might be one of the 14 I have left. I just can't seem to get those done and it is really annoying me, especially since the rest have already been mailed and probably received by now.

I gave Ben a warning about number three, so hopefully he'll watch his language this evening...
The Finnster is going to be at his grandpas for the night! Woo hoo!!!
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