It was destiny that two days before I left for BlogHer, Tate got a wicked stomach bug and we were using the Butt Paste on her little bum at every diaper change. As if I needed a reminder of how much I love this product. As a mom, it’s a pretty good clue when your two year old requests it during a diaper change.
At BlogHer, I got to meet and talk to Dr. George Boudreaux, the man who invented Butt Paste. We had a little chat and he told me the story of how his Butt Paste got from his little pharmacy in Louisiana to my neighborhood store.
Dr. Boudreaux was a neighborhood pharmacist. In the seventies, he started mixing up batches of cream for diaper rash for his customers. He experimented with his formula until it was perfect and word spread with local moms. One in particular took her baby to the doctor with a horrible diaper rash and her doctor sent her right over to George. She came into the pharmacy and requested some of George Boudreaux’s Butt Paste.
And the name just stuck.
He said at that point, he knew he was on to something and he decided to package it and sell it, but no one wanted to buy an unknown product with the funny name. He believed in it so much in fact, that he offered to retailers that he would buy back any product that didn’t sell and cover their shipping costs as well. They had nothing to lose and sure enough, it started to sell, albeit slowly.
Then, Al Roker mentioned Butt Paste on the Today Show and fifteen minutes later, retailers were calling, clamoring to get it into their stores. In 2004, Oprah had George on in a 5 minute segment about quirky ideas and the influx of traffic crashed the company’s website, their supplier worked for months to keep up with orders. In 2006, ran an article asking what Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie should use on Shiloh’s little bum when she had a diaper rash, readers overwhelmingly recommended Butt Paste, so George overnighted a pound of it so they could try it themselves.
And the rest, they say, is history. I laughed when my friend recommended it, and now Butt Paste is one of my favorite baby products. I also love that the brand has a sense of humor and some fantastic, funny campaigns like this:
Dr. Boudreaux was part Cajun sweetness, part savvy business man, and all delightful to talk to. He spends a lot more time with his family these days and travels to every LSU football game, he even showed me his 2007 championship ring, a gift from the LSU coach. George, I didn’t have the heart to tell you that they beat my beloved Buckeyes to get it. He still does a few appearances each year on behalf of the brand and I’m thankful that BlogHer was one of them. It was such a pleasure to meet him!
Please share a funny story in the comments here or a silly photo of you and Butt Paste on Instagram. Boudreaux would like to give one So Wonderful, So Marvelous reader a $100 Visa gift card! That will buy a whole lot of Butt Paste!
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This sweepstakes runs from 8/19/13 - 9/15/13.
Be sure to visit the Boudreaux's Butt Paste page on where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!

When I had my first daughter 10 years ago I was at Target and bought some just because it said but paste. I love the stuff, and still have it around the house.
My 10 year old son laughs whenever he sees "butt paste". He's going through a potty humor phase, which may never end because my husband cracks up over it, too.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
tweeted the video:
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
My older kid gets the biggest kick out of being allowed to say "butt" whenever he asks for Butt Paste.
I used the butt paste when my son was in diapers.
We are a Boudreaux’s family as well! My youngest son adores acidic fruit and as such he was developing dreadful rashes until we discovered this wonder product. My son has also tried to cover his whole body in the paste before and I am pleased to report it left him with fantastically soft skin :)
As you know a small amount of butt paste goes a long way. Well my husband did not know that. The first time he put it on the baby he said it looked like he spilled white out all over her diaper area, and then she put her hands in it and it ended up all over her, the couch and him. He is now an experienced butt paste user and we love the stuff.
I don't have a funny story but personally I think Butt Paste is one of the best baby products ever. Ever!
When I was given a tube of Desitin when I had my son, I rolled my eyes "No one uses diaper rash cream or powder or baby oil" I said to myself. And with my son, I never had to. Then this holy wtf different child came along 4 years later, A GIRL. Not only did she get diaper rash, she got MASSIVE, unrelenting diaper rash unlike anything I had ever seen and seemingly nothing helped. A coworker recommended "butt paste" and I laughed. I said "I have never heard Desitin called that"... she says, "No, it's LITERALLY called Butt Paste and it works WONDERS." And she was so right. SO right. I give it to mommies-to-be at every baby shower I have ever been to ever since (even tho my youngest is 7 and long since removed from it) and snorgle a little when people give them Desitin or A&D :)
I have never used "butt paste" as my kiddos are 9 and 12, but they certainly crack up at the name!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
I used it with both kids. My oldest also liked to use it when potty training and a refreshing cream after a bm. Not just for babies!
My Butt Paste Miracle: saved me from diaper rash, more than once, which keeps my little one comfortable, and that's a great felling.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
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jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
I use Boudreaux Butt Paste on by children when they were in diapers and was happy with the results. My children rarely got diaper rash
s2s2 at Comcast dot net
s2s2 at Comcast dot net
DD once tried to use Boudreaux's as glue to her crafty project, she insisted "it works the wonder and it is a magic glue because that is what we called in the house.
When my son was small I used Boudreaux’s butt paste and I liked how well and fast helped heal the diaper rash and also helped prevent diaper rash .
dealsfan32 at gmail dot com
dealsfan32 at gmail dot com
I don't have a funny story. i used the butt paste to saved my little one’s BUTT!!
Wow unfortunately I’ve never used this but would like to try it. May help with diaper rashes on my little niece.
To: Dr. George
I will be forever GREATFUL!! The Clendenin kids all suffer from sensitive skin. Not until my grandson was born in 2007 had i ever even heard of butt paste as my kids were from the desitin era. Then i took a trip to New Orleans where i met a wonderful granny at a bus stop. We got to talking about all of our wonderful grandbabies she the granny of twelve i with just one. As you can imagine eventually we came to the subject of diaper rash.............. Needless to say after using it once we were hooked. All the family uses it now. "Even Uncles" as my grandson says.
Awesome! I laughed when I first heard the name, too, but it works great.
stephkearl -at- gmail -dot- com
we havent had many rashes yet so no stories! scg00387 at yahood ot com scg00387 at yahoo dot com
Butt paste was the only rash cream that would get rid of the occasional rashes my daughter got when we were trying to figure out food sensitivities. That stuff is awesome!
Brookeayoub at gmail dot com
My 17-day old son has had horrible diaper rash and I've been so thankful for the sample of Butt Paste that I was given. Total life savor and something I will definitely be stocking up on.
this is the only diaper rash cream we use because it really works
i tweeted
Pick me! Love it, recommend it.
I used it on my kids and it worked really well on diaper rash.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
I used butt paste throughout my child's diaper phase and now that she is grown she thinks the name butt paste is just hilarious.
When I was growing up, my dad used to get such a kick out of hearing me giggle and nothing made me giggle like butt talk. LOL He would just look at me and say "pee pee poo poo" and I would cackle! LOL Fun memory.
14earth at gmail dot com
I tweeted here:
14earth at gmail dot com
My son always gets diaper rash from too much fruit, butt paste is the only thing that helps
i don't have a funny story, buy I need to tell my sister about this would really help my little niece!
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
tweeted the video
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
It's a funny name, but it really works. I still giggle when my grandson says he needs Butt Paste. When he was a baby he had a horrible diaper rash as a result of an antibiotic he was taking for ear infection. Diapering was a nightmare. We started using Butt Paste and within 2 days his rash was almost 100% better. We don't use anything else after that.
My children were babies before George invented Butt Paste but it would would have been nice to have it. It's been well used for all the grandchildren.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
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willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
Boudreaux's Butt Paste cream has always worked great for us and soothed diaper rash many times
pokergrl8 at
pokergrl8 at
One time I was using butt paste on my baby and he got hold of the tube and shot is all over the place!
No kids. Haven't used Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. The video is funny.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
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