It’s that time again. Our anniversary week is in full effect and you know what that means. I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers and their husbands to stop over and to share some words on marriage. Sit back and relax all week while they charm the pants off of you!
Kristina. I didn’t think we would be friends, but I was wrong. I was so wrong. My favorite thing to come out of Blissdom was Kristina’s friendship. She is so nice, I thought. Too nice to be friends with me, I thought. And she probably is, I think she must wonder sometimes. She is also quiet and funny and introspective and strong and ballsy and spectacularly giving. She makes me want to be a better woman and mom and wife and sister and friend. I make her consider getting something other than light pink on her toes. Fair trade, right?
How many years have you been a couple & who liked whom first?
This fall we'll have been together for almost 15 years and married for almost 13. Matt likes to say he liked me first because he said hello across the room. I think I liked him first because I called him first. I didn't wait for that 3 day rule. ;)
What has being married taught you?
Marriage is hard work. I always thought that if it was "right" there wouldn't need to be any work and that is the far from the truth. Marriage is hard work every day and you need to be intentional about it. It is also more rewarding than I ever thought it could be.
What is the most fun thing the two of you have ever done together?
We traveled a southern route across the country. We stopped to see a ton of historical landmarks and then spent a week in Palm Desert, CA before heading home. Our way home was a more northern route. We can't remember fighting or disagreeing the whole trip and actually loved having all of that uninterrupted time with each other.
How do you resolve issues? Do you ever go to bed angry?
We try to communicate but sometimes have a hard time doing it. He likes to talk about everything right away and I like to process it and talk about it later. We have definitely gone to bed angry but we always talk about it in the morning.
What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Matt says communication. I think he's right but, going to therapy has also worked wonders. We started marriage counseling this summer and I could kick myself for not insisting that we go earlier. It's really taught us that as well as we thought we knew each other, there were still things that we were holding back or hesitant to say. Our lines of communication are much more open now than they ever were.

1 comment:
I LOVE this! Thanks for asking for our take on marriage. 13 years ago I never would have thought it'd take any work. And girl, you are so stuck with me! I still haven't gone for a pedicure but you bring so much more to my life than nail polish color. You make me appreciate my friends more and make me excited to plan things special for our kids. You make me want to laugh more and I always think of you when I need to stretch outside of my comfort zone. I admire you ability to do that so easily.
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