Not that we haven't done some fun stuff. We went to Soup & Game Night at Bridget and Joe's last night. I'm going to do a whole other post on her soup here soon because it was to. die. for. Hands down the best potato (or potatoe if you're Dan Quayle) soup I've ever had in my whole life. It was wholeheartedly devoured by all.
And Saturday, we went to Nagoya.
Wow was it good. Even the little bug loved it. He ate his weight in food.
And we celebrated Amy's birthday.

If you go there, I highly recommend the flirtini. I haven't a clue what was in it, but damn was it good. Amy felt highly satisfied with her strawberry mojito too. It made Dave's impersonation much funnier.
And if you're celebrating a birthday, cough up the $10 for the birthday special. The hilarity of watching your friend laughing as they sing Happy Birthday with a banging gong is worth every penny. This is my favorite picture of the night when gong man shows up and asks Amy what her name is.

I was laughing so hard I couldn't even sing. Finn was captivated.

I'm glad you updated! I was thisclose to hijacking your blog and posting pics of the pugs in clothes. :)
Nagoya was GREAT as well! We enjoyed your company, AND Brent ate sushi!! Wooohoo!
yeah, you are freakishly obsessed with facebook! LIKE OBSESSSSSSSSSSED. so, at lunch today emily told me some girl at school said she had been facebook creepin and was wondering if elises fight with her sister on my status update was legit, she was like they were saying really mean things to eachother. haha, she wouldn't last an hour in the albright family, wimp.
Ok are killing me...I remember when you were not even a twinkle in your father's eye let alone someone who could talk smack@@@
Lise, Were we really saying mean things?? Tell your facebook creeper to get a life.
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