Hostess with the Mostess,
The house is freaking amazing.
We all want to move in, or at least come back in the summer for a visit.
Mostly it's because of the hot pool boy.
And personal chef.
And bus boy.
And dishwasher.
Who incidentally are all wrapped up in the same fabulous husband.
Don't forget, you owe him a BJ from us. Shhh... don't tell our husbands.
Thanks for letting us invade your space for 24 hours.
The Girls
Now for the pics:
This my friend is the Amy burrito. And we didn't even freeze AM's undies for falling asleep first.

In the orange foyer, which incidentally is as cool in real life as on Jen's blog pics. We all look a little hung over from the Degrassi-thon and Two Buck Chuck.

The t-shirt switchers. Don't worry AM, it's stretchy.

1 comment:
Cute pics! And now I'm craving party bread, thanks, thanks alot!
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