And because I didn't write them down as I was doing them... I am sure that one (or ten) have been forgotten.
- Finnegan got a trip to the zoo.
- We visited D's Oma.
- I made blueberry pancakes for my boys last Saturday.

- I sent four thank you notes.
- I took dinner to a friend that just had a baby.
- I made cupcakes for Dave to take to his office peeps.

- I spent Thursday night at cheerleading tryouts handling the judging so Cheryl didn't have to.
- We took Finn to visit everyone on Halloween & took treats to give.
- I hosted the Arm & Hammer House Party yesterday and gave everyone goodie bags.

- I gave totally unsolicited marriage advice. :-)
- I made breakfast for my Dad, Lori, Chris, & Elise. That one was actually kinda fun since my Dad always has to cook family breakfasts, he got a break!
hahaha what a dork I am!
I agree..what a dork heather is!
And your friend really appreciated her dinner. It was super tasty!
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