Then post a comment letting me know you voted!!

My choice for president:

And to make you laugh:

So Wonderful, So Marvelous by
Michelle Albright-Peters is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
I (and B) voted absentee a couple of weeks ago because we assumed there was a good chance I'd be having a baby on or near election day.
My mother-in-law and I were over there at 6:30 this morning. We didn't get done until 7:45, though. Those damn machines kept breaking!
I voted. :)
I voted!!
Had to vote absentee being two times zones away and all.
You already know I voted. Go McCain/Palin! Please do me a favor & put up a picture with Finn in his alligator pimp shoes. Those things are great.
OMG J, you did NOT vote McCain you asshole. People that read my comments don't know you're kidding.
I voted!! And I waited freaking TWO HOURS to do it!! Mother of my mother. The machines were fine, just the entire city of Perrysburg shares my precinct, apparently.
I think you already know who I voted for.
I am so excited about the future of our country. I'm more proud now than I ever have been to be an American. And so happy to have a president that I stand behind 100%. I know we have a tough road ahead, but I am so happy about our future. I do hope that everyone's patriotism continues after the buzz of the election dies down. I'm so thrilled to see our county united again, I have a renewed faith in the democratic process.
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