Before now, I really took our relationship for granted. We’ve been friends for so long, but I’ve started to… well, I have feelings for you.
I mean, I know. I know your friends think I’m clingy. It’s like I can’t control how much I love you. And no matter how hard I try, I can’t stop humming our song. I’m trying not to stifle our love affair, I swear. I just want you touching me, near me, holding me tight.
It sounds so cliché, but I just want to soak you up.
I’ve never felt this way. And even though, it’s been a long, hard few months, my love, I’m willing to look past all of that. I can’t even talk about January, but you know, you already know. Please promise me that will never happen again. I don’t think I could take it, Sunshine.
My only Sunshine.
You make me happy.
You, and all 82 degrees of you.
Am I the only one having a love affair with the thought of summer?

You kill me!!!! It was so gorgeous here over the weekend and today, warm and gloomy! I just want to see the sun for more than a day or 2. Did you see my FB status a few weeks ago quoting Olaf?!?! Seriously, our lives are run by Frozen. WE NEED MORE SUN!!!!
We are slated for 3 more glorious days of sun and then ... Showers for the weekend! Im not sure how much more of this bi-polar relationship I can take!
Nope, I am lovin me some warm Texas weather!
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