This morning when I was driving the boys to school, I realized that I haven’t been out of the house in almost a week. That little fact came to me when I stupidly asked myself, “where did ALL this SNOW come from?”
Because, really…
An entire street lined with three to four foot snow banks as far as the eye can see. You start to feel a little like the ball in a pinball game. Don’t forget to hold your breath, make the sign of the cross, and attempt to pull over into a space where a driveway has been shoveled out if you need to pass another car coming the opposite direction. This street isn’t big enough for the two of us.
Oh, I know you Northern Michigan, Minnesota, and New York peeps are rolling your eyes at me right now. What is 62” of snow among friends, right? To put it in perspective, it’s almost three times our normal snowfall. We’re woefully underprepared for both the physical, because where do we PUT all of it and the mental anguish of yet another snow day.
Let’s talk about that, shall we?
There has only been ONE completely full week of school since December 20, the Friday our winter break began. ONE full week of school. We’ve had eleven snow days. I hesitated to add ‘so far’ in there because we’re only mid-February and I’m afraid I’m going to Beetlejuice that one right up. In a normal year, we’re lucky to have one, maybe two snow days… there is celebrating and sledding and hot chocolate making. It’s the best thing ever.
Do you know what happens after you hit eleven snow days in roughly a month’s time?
Parents start to lose their shit.
And, as a bonus, you’re stuck in the house with the very little minions whose wishes and hopes and snow day rituals have gotten you into this mess in the first place. OK, OK, that and the jet stream, but I’ll go ahead and blame them flushing ice cubes and wearing backward pajamas and sleeping with spoons under their pillows. Or Disney, because who was the marketing genius that came up with this campaign…
You know what we could do? Unleash Elsa on Ohio, you know… we’ll make everything Frozen! Do You Want to Build a Snowman? It will be stuck in their heads for months! It’s genius.
Not cool Disney, not cool at all.
Finn was really upset about going to school this morning. I tried to be as cheerful as possible about it while holding off from doing a jaunty little jig at the breakfast table, but I get it. They are so far off of routine and the level of work they have to make up is so daunting that they don’t even want to go. These poor teachers don’t know what to do either, you start a lesson and have to come back to it a day or three or a week later.
Fingers and toes crossed that this is the second full week of school since December 20.
I’m holding out hope that my sanity returns sometime in March.

omg, though, do you think they are going to have a delay tomorrow? this needs to end!!!
Shhhhh AMANDA! Beetlejuice!
I would have already lost it sister. I am perfectly happy with no snow.
We had a winter like that 3 years ago, and yes, as a teacher, it was a NIGHTMARE! We've had below normal temps, but also before normal snowfall. Either way, this winter is the worst!
Right there with you...
Ditto in mid- Atlantic. I do love the snow, I admit, because the kids are so active- a real challenge in the depths of winter.
Jennifer A. Gardner, MD, FAAP, Founder, Healthy Kids Company
I just posted on my facebook that winter wins, and I am in the corner rocking myself, breathing into a paper bag.
I simply have no idea how you all are dealing with it! We are still praying to get more relief from the drought....
So ready for spring. Snow was so much more fun as a kid.
I live in San Diego (sorry) so I can't imagine how you are all dealing with the ridiculous amount of snow this winter. I do like looking at the pictures!
Sounds like you are in Ohio. I am live in Columbus and understand what you are saying. When did 10 degrees become the new norm. Negative temps don't even make the news anymore. Good luck, stay warm. Visiting from SITS.
At first I was envious of all the snow day moms I was reading about on the internet.... then we got our own snow storm. School was released early that day as the storm moved in and my snow day mom insanity started when I had to take my kid to the grocery store which was full of other moms with their kids trying to stock up on last minute things. Kids greatly outnumbered the parents and that was just the beginning...
NYC tends to not close schools for snow, since public transportation still runs relatively well and most businesses are open. Of course, parents complain about that too! Stopping by from SITS Comment Love.
My mom lives in Michigan and she's about had it too! The whole where to put the snow thing is becoming a serious problem this year across the country!
That Disney marketing machine is crazy good. I know that is a lot of snow, but I have to say I am a little jealous. We have had a few snow days, but it has yet to really snow here. :( It has been freezing for days, in the single digits and the teens, but alas, no snow. I am just south of Nashville, TN. Chattanooga got snow. Clarksville got snow. Memphis got snow. Everywhere got snow, except for the Nashville area. C'MON DISNEY! Send a little our way please. Just enough for a good snowball maybe?
I live in Atlanta, GA and we had a bad ice storm and I've been stuck at home for almost a week now, so I feel your pain. Spring needs to hurry up and get here!!!!!!!
It is hard to imagine even having to wear a coat, let alone all that snow. We are about to hit the 90's this week in Phoenix. A record breaker.. hate it!
I don't know where you live, but we live in Northern Indiana -and have received similar amounts of snow this year. It is definitely time for it to leave- it has outstayed its welcome.
Those folks in the SE don't know NOTHING about snow.....for the LOVE of all that is holy, can we just get to 40 for 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the little amounts of snow that we get here in Seattle, but cannot even imagine the amount of snow the rest of the country has been getting! Wishing you a sane (and snow free) Valentine's Day!
Oh my gosh so funny to blame it all on Disney I hadn't thought of that! Great marketing on their part :) Hopefully Spring comes quickly so you can get your sanity back!
Ahhh! So Disney is to blame for all the snow in Ohio! Who can we blame for all the snow in New York? I wanna know.... cause I'm going to start a petition to have them deported!!!! :D Excellent post and so very funny! I loved it and am so very glad I found you today via SITS! :D
Just looking at these pictures makes me shiver! Stay warm! Stopping by from SITS...
LOVE the title of this post! That alone makes me bust up laughing, mainly because I never want to hear that song again in my life after hearing the kids in the neighborhood and school sing it all. the. time. We were just snowed in for five days here, where there are no snow plows because we normally don't get snow. I can't imagine 11 days! Here's to no more snow, and to some sanity returning!
I am beyond jealous. Seriously. Stinking hot summer in Australia right now! I've never even seen snow!! But yes, cooped up kids suck!! Mez xx SITS
OMG- I live in Ottawa (Canada), and we did not have so many snow days! We still have lots of snow though and just like you can't wait for March. Hang in there, spring will come eventually! (from SITS)
This winter has been pretty brutal and I think by now we are all ready for spring to bring in some warm weather...Stopping by from #SITSBlogging
I am in Alabama, and it takes very little snow to shut us down. After this winter, I don't want to hear anybody pining away for snow for a looooong time. Headache! Visiting from SITS. Please visit me back, if you have not already. My link in the spreadsheet had an error. Eek! Hope you are having a great week!
Wow, talk about snow! I would be guilty of doing a jig about the return to school too, but I don't blame the kids for being grouchy. That wrench in the routine would throw me off, too.
I grew up in NY so snow is nothing new, but gosh I don't remember ever having so many snow days in such a short amount of time as many areas had this year. Yikes I know a lot of areas are supposed to be getting more this week.
I cannot even imagine. No way. I hope they have made new routines for snow days!
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