Hope you had a great fourth and enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend!
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I am one of the 2013 BlogHer Voices of the Year honorees. There were 2,600 entries this year. 2,600. And only 3% get chosen.
Complete shock would be an understatement. And then I cried.
There are some awesomely talented writers in that bunch. I’m about halfway through the list of reading all of them.
Give. is the post that is being recognized.
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My mom has this awesome Christmas tradition to get us all pjs as one of our gifts. We look forward to it each year. I know, I know… Christmas is a million months away, but think about these adorable freaking PJs for your kids. You pre-order right now and Kristina will embroider their name on the front and send them to you in September/October. Perfect timing for those Christmas card pics! Oh, did I mention that you can also order them in doll size to match their favorite little friends?
Awesome AND it supports a small business.
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This guy, you know, the one without kids, he gets it. He really gets it. On flying with kids.
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He’s funny. He’s adorable. He saves animals. I want to be Cory Booker’s girlfriend. Don’t tell Dave.
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Could you travel with only your undies? Check out this great Ted Talk from Jessi Arrington.
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So happy for you! Definitely a voice I love hearing. : )
Btw - totally rocking the shoes today at work. If I have to be here, might as well look fabulous. Heyyyyyy.
I had to find out about the BlogHer thing through the blog.....
Ok over it. Congrats chica.
Also the kids flying article is awesome. And so true.
Miss ya!
Loved the article about flying with kids.
Just wanted to say I LOVE your family outfit coordination skills.
Congrats!!!! You so deserve the honor from BlogHer.
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