We were so spoiled with a perfect sixty degree day on a Saturday! In January! In Ohio! What? How much more awesomeness can you take? I know all of you west coast peeps are probably rolling your eyes at me right now, but you mid-westerners know what I’m saying, right?
We decided to take full advantage of our top secret spot at the park for brunch along the river again. Sure, we had to bundle up a bit, but everyone was so excited to be outside enjoying the weather. The kids played non-stop and found a secret fort down by the river. A sweet older couple stopped to say hello, tell us what a great idea it was, and mentioned that they could smell the bacon frying all through the park. It was such a relaxed {except chasing that menace to society daughter of ours} and fun morning with great company.
Thanks Amy, Em, and Steph for a great morning and delicious food!
~The Menu~
- quiche {in a jar}
- bacon
- fruit salad
- scrambled eggs with spinach
- rosemary accordion potatoes
- baked french toast with strawberries, blueberries, maple syrup, and vanilla whipped cream
- cranberry juice, orange juice, coffee, and tea

Thanks for inviting us! Let's not forget this gem of a quote, courtesy of my husband...
"I want to be a pioneer woman."
This looks like SO much fun! We wanted to be outside SO bad this past weekend. We actually had 70 degree weather before it turned cold again - the down fall the sun only came out for about 3 hours on Friday... then it was back to rain. Really ruined any outdoor plans. What's worse, this rain in the spring would be perfect - lots of water in the creek for kayaking. It's simply too cold for that right now in AL.
Glad you made the most of it... I wish we could have. I did get to drive back from work w/ my windows down and music turned up, it gave me the slightest bit of spring fever!
I call dibs on the yellow fleece that Tate has on! Looks soooo yummy, wish I was there!
I bet that was a treat for you midwest peeps. Out here in the northwest it didn't get out of the 30's! Crazy weather confusion.
we went to the park a few days ago and it was effing freezing....only lasted an hour or so. its been so cold here for us west coasters.i think thats great you all had a "warmer" day and were able to get out and enjoy.
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