“Butt Paste.”
“You have got to be kidding me. It’s called Butt Paste?” That was my response to her recommendation. I laughed at the name, though it certainly made clear its intended use. I had tried seemingly everything. One famous diaper cream had left Finnegan screaming in agony when I put it on. I couldn’t wipe it off fast enough and you guessed it, more screaming. Another, a natural brand, hadn’t even touched it. We tried baths. We {with wet results} had let him run around in his nudie butt. His skin was still bright red, chapped, and looked incredibly painful.
We were lucky that we had avoided any major diaper rash until toddlerhood. Winter weather, coupled with soaking toddler diapers, and an antibiotic for an ear infection had brought it on in full force. It was like Rashadon attacking Butt City.
{Visit the Boudreaux’s Butt Paste Facebook page!}
Once he had it, it was a vicious cycle of wet diapers, more pain, and more attempts at trying to fix it. As a first time mom, you never want to feel helpless or see your child hurting. I didn’t know what to do, so I asked a friend. She didn’t just recommend Butt Paste, she raved about it.
So we tried it.
It worked so well that I am now the raving mom recommending it to my friends. I tell every new mom to add it to their ‘must have’ list. Registry or not, I buy it for every baby shower I’m invited to. It is that good.
Seventeen months and Tate has only had diaper rash once. Normally, if I see a hint of redness I put a little bit on proactively, but we were out... not a mistake I’ll make again. Same scenario as her big brother, winter weather brought with it a cold and diaper rash. That meant misery for our baby girl. Luckily, twenty four hours of Boudreaux’s Butt Paste at each diaper change and it was completely gone. No screaming, no crying, no prolonged trying to figure out what to do, just one simple cream with a funny name.
I knew it must have done its job when I caught her playing Mama and pretending to put it on her baby doll’s diaper.
Not only do they produce the best diaper cream around and have a great sense of humor, Boudreaux’s is also partnering with BlogHer to give one So Wonderful, So Marvelous reader a $100 Visa gift card. Tell me, how do you kick some rash? I’d love to hear your best diaper rash fighting tip, you just might help a new mom out there!
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This sweepstakes runs from 1/14/13 - 3/15/13
Be sure to visit the Boudreaux's Butt Paste brand page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!

I loved Budreaux's for my kiddos, too! And I am pretty sure I had the same exact reaction to the name. But man, that stuff works.
*boudreaux's - Commenting on my phone is not a good idea ;)
Boy, I never thought I'd say this, but that butt cream sounds pretty nice.
We luckily didn't struggle see much diaper rash for the boys, but whenver they had a touch of it, I'd bathe them without soap, just water, and never put the diaper on when their skin was still damp. We'd let them air dry for several minutes before putting the diapers back on.
Also lots of time with no diaper helped prevent it too... but that's hard in winter, I guess!
I always give a tube with my gifts for new mommies!
I tried Boudreaux's when Chloe was a wee one, looking for alternatives to our regular diaper cream when she'd unfortunately come home from daycare with rashes... I've never looked back. It's a really great product that works well and quickly ... most of the time it clears up even a really bad rash overnight. I also recommend it to new moms as a "must have" diaper rash eliminator, and I give it as a gift quite often.
My son is 18, but I (and he) lived to tell you that Butt Paste saved us several times when he was a wee one in diapers. Best diaper rash treatment and prevention ever!
Besides using barrier creams, we would let them run air out without a diaper on for a little while.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
tweeted the video:
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I originally starting buying Butt Paste because of the name just to get a laugh at the various Baby Showers I went to. People thought it was hilarious. Then they started to tell me how wonderful it was compared to other brands. Definitely using this on my kiddo once she is here!
I absolutely love Butt Paste!! No product out there compares. My youngest was put on Augmentin after his ear tube surgery and got a SEVERE diaper rash. We tried everything... coconut oil, vinegar & water spray (which I don't recommend!) and although we ended up with prescription cream, the butt paste was the only thing that would even touch it until we got to the doctor. I swear by this stuff!!! I tell all new moms about it and like most of you, I always buy it for a shower gift!!!!
Actually we used A&D. That's what I knew with Ava and it worked. Luckily (knock on wood) we've never had too big of an issue with Allie!
I just got the tub of Boudreaux's with my second and I love it so much more than the tube, no squeezing and such while baby is wiggling around! I was introuduced to Boudreaux's by my Louisiana living sister with my first and that is all we use in this house! Not to mention it smells better than any other diaper rash cream!
We kick diaper rash by treating it quickly with a diaper cream and changing diapers more frequently to keep the area clean and dry.
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I'm a Butt Paste devotee. It's awesome on the boys' bums.
Cloth diapering can help! It gives breathability
I try to change diapers often and give her as much diaper free time as possible.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/hollymarie076/status/291398149652750337
I used the diaper cream before the rash appears. I also used the wipes for sensitive skin
we just double up on the diaper changing time
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
I love to use a cream and let them air out as much as possible from the diaper. Bath's are good too.
tweet. amypugmire@live.com
I have switched to cloth diapers during diaper rash and used diaper rash ointment
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Well, I'm currently pregnant with my first baby, so I have yet to figure out how to soothe her through her diaper rash, but I imagine it will involve diaper ointment!
lifeblessons -at- gmail.com
We allow our son to be bare bum for a bit.
Keep him dry by changing diapers asap.
hlee99 at gmail dot com
hlee99 at gmail dot com
Change wet/soiled diapers asap and I use diaper rash ointment/cream as a preventative. Better safe than sorry. My son got a real bad rash one time and I had to take him to the doctor for RX diaper rash cream that was super expensive!! I learned my lesson :) Thanks! ashleygatewood1(AT)gmail.com
My "baby" is now 14 but I remember the quickest way to cure her rashes were letting her air out in front of a small fan that I kept on her changing table...she loved that, especially in hot weather. Then some cream and powder and bam...diaper rash was always gone pretty quickly.
I provided my son with a lot of free range, no-diaper time. I'd put down a bunch of towels in the living room and let him crawl around naked. It worked like a charm. He rarely experienced rashes after that.
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
Changing diapers frequently or leaving the diaper off for a while has worked for my baby.
mom22girlz at ymail dot com
tweeted https://twitter.com/mom22girlz/status/292455386643046400
Use diaper cream and let the area dry out without a diaper for a while.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
It usually works when I little one run around naked after the bath to air/dry out.
i always use Boudreaux’s Butt Paste!
In addition to change diapers more often, we used chamomile cream and also Boudreaux's paste to help.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I try to kick diaper rash by changing my little one's diaper often. If I notice any redness, I will let her air dry then apply a diaper rash cream and it usually goes away quickly. sonyadmorris@gmail.com
I change diapers as much as possible. Let them air out as much as possible and give them bath's frequently. amypugmire@live.com
I also use cream
tweet. amypugmire@live.com
I keep my son really clean and "air him out" as often as I can -- fresh air helps.
JenniferAnne74 @ aol.com
I tweeted
JenniferAnne74 @ aol.com
I have used this for the last 8 months, and I really like it! It helps soothe and protect as well as heal. Molly Bussler meoleme@yahoo.com
Tweet https://twitter.com/Mollydoo2/status/293727508006846465 Molly Bussler meoleme@yahoo.com
With Roxy having chronic ear infections and being on antibiotics a lot, we keep Butt Paste on hand. It is the best for diaper rash. At my baby shower, I thought it was a joke when I pulled it out of the bag, but over the last three years, we have bought our fair share. I love it. It really is the only recommendation for a new mom! Which reminds me, I need to go buy some for my brother and SIL before my niece gets here :)
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/SamanthaPridgen/status/293756156696993792
I have never tried butt paste. We typically use aquaphor. I have tried those other name brands with my kids screaming like crazy. They are the worst!
letting them 'air out' in the sunshine for a while
tweeted https://twitter.com/thismomwins2/status/293825637427314688
diaper free time and sunshine! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
https://twitter.com/DesMoinesDealin/status/293914657247330304 scg00387 at yahoo dot com
we'd try the cloth diaper every now and then and lots of paste
tweet https://twitter.com/prizepuzzle/status/295344924067516416
I always wait until I see signs of a rash first and use some if I need to, but one way I try to prevent it is by using cloth diapers. It seems to help.
chambanachik (at) gmail (dot) com
it's been a long time since I've had a baby but I remember changing diapers frequently and using a diaper rash ointment
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
i tweeted here:
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
Frequent diaper changes and airing the area out as much as possible.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/KerryBishop/status/296807366870056962
Is this judged by quality of comment? If so, I'm about to win this thing.
You know where else you can use Boudreaux's Butt Paste? Your babies neck. Yep.
You know how babies like to be sloppy eaters and let the milk run all over their face and into those many, many folds of their chubby little necks? You know how the milk likes to hang out there and try to make cheese, but only succeeds in making a nasty neck-cheese rash?
Boudreaux's butt paste to the rescue. No neck-cheese rash is safe from its wrath.
I start applying diaper cream as soon as I see redness started in the diaper area. It's way too late when the rash is already appearing. I think Boudreaux’s Butt Paste works the best for me. The rash will be all gone after a day.
amy [at] utry [dot] it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Both of my children got diaper rash so I would change their diapers more often
and let them run around to air out without a diaper on for a little bit
s2s2 at comcast dot net
s2s2 at comcast dot net
with a diaper rash ointment, changing diapers frequently and keeping the area dry
EXTRA ENTRY TWEET! https://twitter.com/kytah00/status/300013091700236288
kytah00 AT yahoo DOT com
Use cloth diapers when baby has a diaper rash. It allows baby's butt to air out! =)
I know this is a Butt Paste giveaway but in my experience the purple Desitin was always the fastest and best relief for my kids (I did use Butt paste with my first). However, with baby #3 he got a diaper rash on day three if you can believe it! Between those first nasty poops and my milk coming in more quickly his butt was on fire right away. My doc recommended Aquaphor and I did use that this time around. It definitely created a barrier unlike the other creams and healed very quickly. I am all about natural creams as much as possible but when things are really bad I rely on Aquaphor now.
Boudreaux's is all we use on my peanut. He took after his mama and has super duper sensitive skin so diaper rash is always an issue. Love this product!!
Ready for it...after a bath, let it air out. Straight up, fresh air. Learned that from high school football when the entire team got jock itch. Well, medicated ointment helps too.
we change diaper often
keeping the diaper changed as soon as it gets dirty
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
lots and lots of diaper cream and frequent diaper changes so they aren't in wet diapers for long
Change their diaper often and keep them dry!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Lots of cream, applied multiple times a day
I used Desitin, then patted it with baby powder, making sure it stayed on for a longer time
butt paste & periods of diaperless exposure to fresh air & sunshine.
I changed cloth diapers often and let him air dry when possible.
Frequent diaper changes and air drying help a lot. I didn't have Butt Paste when my babies were little but the granddaughter uses it all the time. The stuff works great on all kinds of irritating rashes not just diaper rash.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
I used lots of baby powder and changed diapers really often. I didn't know about Butt Paste but my babies really didn't like most of the lotions and creams that I tried.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
We changed her diapers often and used an ointment at bedtime and naptime.
My mom swears I never had diaper rash as a baby - she used cloth diapers, baby powder and did frequent diaper changes. When changing diapers she also let me "air out" for a while before re-diapering.
Always have baby wipes handy! They are lifesavers!
jfong1130 at yahoo dot com
tweeted: https://twitter.com/jfong1130/status/311323237877424128
jfong1130 at yahoo dot com
We would try to prevent diaper rash by changing the baby as soon as possible after the diaper is soiled. We also used creams on rashes.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
Vaseline works well at preventing diaper rash in the first place! Thanks for a super giveaway!
My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Tweet - https://twitter.com/willitara/status/311903857527640065
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
Teething was the only time we saw a little bit of diaper rash. We just used a protective cream.
i love the little tube as a lip balm...my lips are always soft!!!
stephanie.bean AT me dot com
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I haven't had to deal with diaper rash personally but I've learned from my friends that Butt Paste is miracle stuff and I include it with my gift at every baby shower.
mybeachylife at gmail dot com
After reading this blog post I added Butt Paste to my registry and it will definitely be the first product I use to fight diaper rash once Baby arrives!
Change the diaper often and keep the area clean but as soon as you see rash, apply the Boudreaux's Butt Paste, it is the best one I've ever use.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/ctong2/status/312467296121671683
aloe aloe aloe! use it! use it before you get the rash and use it after! Be sure to let it completely dry before reapplying the diaper!
14earth at gmail dot com
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MsTofuFairy/status/312617123694387201
14earth at gmail dot com
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