I have a Pinterest board for books. It’s called Word to Ya Mutha. There are currently five books and two posts about documentaries that I’d love to see. No one pigeonholes me into only posting books on a book board! I want to fill that sucker up with all kinds of good reads so the next time I’m lamenting about not knowing which book to read next, I can go to my handy dandy Pinterest board and choose one that is awesome sauce.
So here is where you come in…
I want to know your favorites, your MUST reads, your recent likes. Tell me, tell me! What are you reading?
I am also going to make a note on the Pin who recommended it so I can thank you {or tell you that you have awful taste in books} later.
Oh, and since we’re sharing good stuff, for helping me out, I’m going to give one of you a $20 gift card to the bookstore of your choice. On me. Because I like you and also because I am a little desperate for book club ideas too.
The Fine Print: Leave a comment telling me your favorite reads. I will select a random winner from all entries on Sunday, March 11 at 11:59pm EST. Winner will be notified and let me know which bookstore they love the bestest. US Residents only for this one, of course you Canadians are also welcome to leave a comment, ya just can’t win because I don’t know how to convert dollars to dOOlars. In which case you have to start your comment with I am Canadian so we can all point and laugh at your Mounties and your Ehs. Muah. This giveaway is solely on me {and the Davester} and hasn’t been compensated in any way.

Like who has time to read? :)
I loved Lucia, lucia by adrianna trigianni. She does some decent light romance/ historical fiction. I'm a sucker for a female heroine.
Tina Feys bio is a good light read. Solidifies that you could totally be besties with her.
Lucky Girl by mei-ling Hopgood is a great nonfiction about her life as an adopted child. Many things mirror my life as a child.
If you haven't read Cujo and you need to sleep less, get on it! It is crazy good.
Into Thin Air by Jon krakauer. Great read! Exciting. Page turner. And makes you rethink that mt Everett expedition on your bucket list.
I don't read much outside of non fiction. Fun, aren't I? Lol.
My current list of reads is Bossypants by Tina Fey which so far has been a quick and entertaining read; The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks; Extremely loud & incredibly close by Jonathan Safran Foer; and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
My all-time favorite is Gone with the Wind and the sequel, Scarlett. I can read those over and over.
Christine & I have similar tastes - I'm also a sucker for female heroines (esp. in historical fiction!)
Check out anything by Phillippa Greggory (she wrote The Other Bolyn Girl - don't go by the movie!). Pick whatever appeals the most to you, there are so many great ones. My favorite is The Constant Princess about Queen Katherine - it's a bit heartbreaking.
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant was a good read...
Another favorite is The Time Traveler's Wife (again, do not go by the movie). That was a great one. So romantic!
Water for Elephants, Lovely Bones, Oh, I know! The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. That's a great one.
This was fun!
you can't keep me away from a book related post! i agree with the mark haddon book, and the lovely bones is one of my favorites. i've been reading up a storm lately, so i would suggest 1) hope: a tragedy-about a guy who has ann frank living in his attic. i found it hysterical. 2) the end of everything-about a young girl who's abducted...or is she. 3) when she woke-a modern take on the scarlet letter, semi futuristic. people are tinted the color of the crime they commit, so red for murder. but is an abortion "murder." very interesting. can't wait to see what you choose! i'm always looking for recommendations, too.
Adriana Trigiani's Big Stone Gap series is an incredible group of books - my all time favorites.
Also, Lauren Willig's "The Secret History of the Pink Carnation" is just to die for. So intriguing. That book is the first one in the series and I love, love, love it.
This is Where I Leave You or pretty much anything by Jonathan Tropper. Bossypants made me laugh. I personally think you can never go wrong with David Sedaris (except for those awkward chapters every now and then). Have you read The Pleasure of My Company by Steve Martin? It's one of my favorites.
I'm in the market for something good to read, so I can't wait to see what everyone else suggests.
I'm reading Girl With The Dragon Tattoo right now and it's quite good. However it took me two tries to get into it. Glad I stuck with it the second time. I love reading crime novels, so I go on spurts with James Patterson, Jonathan Kellerman and JA Jance. I also have The Ruins of Us waiting to be read - looking forward to picking that one up next!
I love that you are reading Tina Fey's book - it's a great one. I haven't made it through yet I haven't had time BUT... I laughed my ass off on the first three pages so that always tells me a book will be good.
Favorites: Mine are a little dark not sure if you will like this sort of thing.
Abraham Lincoln The Vampire Slayer
This book blew me away, I love the mix of history and fiction. I can't wait to see the movie!!!
Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
He gives you a great inside look as to what happens in the kitchen and after hours with chefs and helpers. I'm still in the middle of it but it's hard for me to put down.
The Bed Wetter by Sarah Silverman
If you enjoy her comedy you'll enjoy learning about her. The book is a crack up like Tina's but it lets you inside of Sarah's head and emotions which is sort of cool.
My all time favorite creepy book is Diary by Chuck P. It's dark, mysterious and sort of a blow your mind kind of book. It's my favorite of all his books but again, super dark.
i am a major fiction reader
"until i find you" by jonathan irving
"american gods" by neil gaiman - or anything else by him, really, especially the book he co-wrote with terry pratchett called "good omens"
"geek love" by catherine dunn
either the thursday next series (first book is "the eyre affair") or nursery crime series by jasper fforde
"mr. vertigo" by paul auster
humor - laurie notaro. ANY of her books, from the "idiot girls action adventure club" to "i love everyone and other atrocious lies". she makes me laugh until i cry and have to pee.
i could go on all day!
The Help was really good and a quick read. Bossypants is also really funny. I'm semi-embarassed to admit it, but the Hunger games trilogy was really engaging and entertaining as well.
The Secret History (could be my fave of all time), Don't Stop The Carnival, The Rum Diaries, The Tree house. Love them all.
The Joy Luck Club...or anything by Amy Tan.
1984 by George Orwell
A Girl Named Zippy by Haven Kimmel
The Kay Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kid
Anything by Gary D. Schmidt
Nothing by Mitch Albom. Ever.
Ok, I love reading the classics, and my books always have a little bit of romance in them.
1. Jane Eyre
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. Summer Rental - Mary Kay Andrews
4. Fixer Upper - Mary Kay Andrews
5. Redeeming Love - Holy Crap this was a good!
I will stop there. I am going to keep up with your list to see what I can read this summer!
I love to use GoodReads to sort out my books! (Which is what I did when I read through all of these comments and listed a few as "to-read"!)
My all time favorites are:
The Journeyer - Gary Jennings (The epic Marco Polo story)
Maia - Richard Adams (Beautiful peasant girl becomes heroine!)
Dreaming of Babylon - Richard Brautigan (Laugh out loud funny, seriously, it's hilarious!)
Some of my all time favorites are: Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve, Bergdorf Blondes (if you're looking for something light and easy) by Plum Sykes, Are You There Chelsea by Chelsea Handler, and The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
I'm currently reading "What Alice Forgot" and I really like it so far.
(That is all.)
2030 : the real story of what happens to America / Albert Brooks
I just finished reading Diary of A Mad Fat Girl. Loved it. Lemme know if you want me to share the book love and I'll send it to you.
The first books that came to mind for me were Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers and The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman. I read a lot of young adult fiction mostly, but those are not. If you want to see what I've read over the last few years take a look at my blog http://adayinthelifesonya.blogspot.com/search/label/books%20read
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer! YA but you'll love it.
I'm Canadian but I love books so I'll leave a comment anyway :)
I love Jodi Picoult's books. The first one I ever read was My Sister's Keeper (I haven't seen the movie) and it had me hooked. I've now read every single one and just got her newest one.
I just read a great book, recommended by my 9 year old son--called, "The Girl Who Could Fly" by Victoria Forester. I don't normally take his recommendations but this one was spot on. Of course, we read it from different perspectives but we both loved it.
All of my fav's have already been named.
The Red Tent (by Anita Diamant) is hands down my favorite book ever-- I think I've read it at least 20 times. It's such a good and rich story!
BossyPants by Tina Fey was hilarious.
If you're looking for the ultimate "chick lit" beach read, check out Summer Sisters by Judy Blume. (YES! JUDY BLUME!!) One of her few books for adults-- I love it.
Too many to count!
A Confederacy of Dunces by O'Toole, anything by Ed Abbey, The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon, Hunter S Thompson for entertainment, Emily Giffin for a good beach read. Enjoy!
I don't read much fiction. So after sorting through all the cookbooks, business-inspiration books and books I swear I'll read but haven't, I give you these. Um, they're still all foodie things with some recipes, but thoughtful and inspiring nonetheless:
Hidden Kitchens - Nikki Silva & Davia Nelson
MaryJane's Ideabook * Cookbook * Lifebook - MaryJane Butters
Feasting on Asphalt - Alton Brown
I'm not sure a line or two from me will do any of these books justice, but here goes:
A.J. Jacobs
The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World
(He reads the Encyclopedia Britannica from A-Z and gives you the highlights. It's informative, funny and heartfelt.)
Erik Larson
The Devil in the White City
(Reads like a novel, but is a work of non-fiction. It parallels the stories of the architect behind the 1893 World's Fair and one of America's first documented serial killers. Intense and very well researched)
Nina Killham
How to Cook a Tart
(I recommend going into it w/o reading too much on Amazon. If you love reading about food, then this one's for you. Food, family, sex and murder.)
David Byrne
The Bicycle Diaries
(So much more than "The guy from Talking Heads", David Byrne is an insightful, approachable and engaging story teller. He takes you on a trip around the world from the perspective of a bike rider. However don't let that turn you off if riding a bike isn't your thing. He touches on urban planning, fashion, music, human nature and so much more.)
Can't wait to check out some of the aforementioned titles!!!
**note, not a current U.S. resident. Although not a resident of Canada either :)
the help... light years better than the movie.
Ah, books. I miss reading books. I mean, Clifford the Big Red Dog is great and all but c'mon.
"She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb changed my life. Read it when I was in high school. AMAZING.
"The Year of Living Biblically" by AJ Jacobs. Hilarious and smart.
"God Shaped Hole" by Tiffanie DeBartolo. Quick, great read.
Now give me your money. ;)
I love that you did this! I have tons to read now!
Anyways, here are mine:
Anything and I do mean anything by Karen Kingsbury.
Redeeming love ~ Francine Rivers. Wow...amazing!
The Mark of the Lion Series also by Francine Rivers and amazing!
For women only & For men only ~ shaunti feldhahn...so so good!
If it was easy, they'd call the whole d*** thing a honeymoon ~ Jenna McCarthy. Totally hilarious!
Yeaaa, I could go on forever! Lol! I'll stop now.. :)
Sarah's Key... amazing
Right now I'm cracking open Lysa Turkurst's Made to Crave. It's a humerous, inspiring book on remaining accountable to eating right.
I recently finished the Francine Rivers Mark of the Lion series and loved I! It's historical fiction based on the bible, but such a great story that even non-religious people will enjoy.
I second Tina Fey's book Bossypants. You can even download an audio version for free from the Toledo library website making cooking dinner/mopping the door SLIGHTLY enjoyable.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls
These are two of the best books I have read recently! The Book Thief was amazing!
Sorry I'm late to the party, but I'm reading a book right now that's pretty entertaining so I thought I would share: Falling Together by Marisa de los Santos.
YAY! This was the best, we are ALL winners with such a great list of book recommendations! Thank you!
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