I’ll be the first to admit, I am not a morning person. My nightmare is the daylight savings “spring forward,” when apparently the government decides that time will shift forward an hour, just as God intended it to.
Oh, don’t worry though, you’ll get it back in the fall.
This is why I hate springing forward, in no particular order…
- You ‘lose’ an hour of the day. Except you don’t really lose it, it’s just borrowed from the fall whom I like a lot better because it ‘gives’ me an extra hour that it doesn’t really give. Yeah, figure that out.
- Figuring out in my head the time change and what is ‘real’ time and do we keep Finn up another hour or put him to bed an hour earlier and WHY is math so hurty to my brain???
- Kids don’t get it and they continue their non-sleeping {Tate} and getting up early {Finnegan} thing.
- Did I mention I lose an hour of sleep?
- Every electronic clock changes and the manual clocks don’t change and you can’t remember what time it really is until the Davester goes around fixing time like someone out of the Matrix.
- You will wake up in a panic on Monday morning that it is 8:30 in the morning, HOW is it so late??? Why does it feel so early? Oh, because two days ago it WAS early, except now it’s late. Thank the Spring.
Happy Monday. Do you like the change or is your brain all hurty this morning too?

My brain has been hurting since yesterday morning. Springing forward most definitely sucks!
I grew up in Kentucky and HATED time change. Now I live in Arizona where the time stays the same all year long.....I mean we don't gain or lose hours willy nilly. We seem to survive just fine, makes me wonder why everyone else still does it.
Yessss! I hated springing forward! Grrr! I was so getting used to the sun in the morning and not I've been plunged back into the darkness! It's like a bad dream that I can't wake up from. Grrrr! Stupid "springing forward" :)
You said it so eloquently. But pretty much you could have summed it up in 2 words: it's bullshit.
I too hate springing forward. This year however, I really didn't mind it b/c I was working. But as per usual, the government got their hand in that pot too & I only get paid for 7 hours instead of 8. I find that to be extremely unfair - I was technically there for an entire shift, it wasn't my decision to mess everything up!!
My kids are absolutely not adjusting well - AGAIN! We got up at 9:15 this morning (after the baby was up 6, yes 6, times last night!!!) and now they have to go down for naps at 1130 so they can be "well rested" for daycare. It's going to go over like a lead balloon.
My mom claims it ruins her life from now until the time changes in the fall.
I hate it too, yesterday it was 11 p.m. and I still didn't feel tired. Then I wake up today feeling like crap because the kiddo got up at the wrong time....ugh!!!!
Who invented the time change anyways??? I'm guessing it was a MAN!!!!
That's the only response I can muster right now. Brain. Hurty.
I hate the time change as well... mornings suck bc you're tired and it is now dark again.... I won't want to go to bed "early" tonight again, neither will my 3 kids..... we should just keep it the same....
The time change always confuses me. I am just glad my phone is smarter than me and can figure it out so I'm not late.
I like that it is light later, but the adjustment is annoying!
I hate adjusting the kids, that's always the hardest. And I also hate that its dark when I wake up:))
"WHY is math so hurty to my brain???" - good question, I feel the same way!!
I'm with you. Spring forward can TOTALLY suck it. Bleck.
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