The fact that I am cleaning challenged is highly disappointing to my mother whose nickname is Joan Crawford.
I feel like I should clarify, it’s because of her insane clean freak-ness and not because she woke us up screaming about wire hangers. She did however wake us up to the Ohio State fight song blasting on Saturday mornings to clean the house, which may be just as bad. Janet can not sit still. She comes over and does my dishes, folds my laundry, and tidies everything in her path. Dave calls her the tornado and just knows to get out of the way.
I’ve talked about it before, but cleaning and organizing is not my forte. I don’t have that gene, either that or it’s the adult ADD. I mean, I do it because I have to. But, it’s really the exact opposite of an enjoyable experience for me. If we ever have the opportunity to meet, go ahead and ask me, I can name 25 things I would rather be doing.
I do love it when the house is clean though, I just don’t want to be the one to do it. The ONE thing I miss about working? Having someone else clean my house. It was heaven. I would walk in the door and everything would be sparkling, just like when Jeanie would twinkle her nose and clean up the house for Darren only Jeanie was Lori.
Lori is magic with some Windex. Magic, I tell ya.
Are you a super organized cleaning machine or can we hang out at the slightly unorganized cool table?

I read this to my mom and she laughed! Haha
We can totally hang out at the slightly unorganized, but cool table. My house is never sparkling no matter how hard I try. I absolutely HATE cleaning!
That is totally me. I like doing laundry, but not putting it away. I like loading the dishwasher, but not unloading. I like using my formal dining table as a dumping ground, but hate looking at the mess. Guess I'm in trouble.
I love love love my Lori!!!
Sadly I must say that I'm completely uncool because I really love to clean, I find it therapeutic. I rarely have enough time to clean the way I like to though {to be read as my house is still a freaking mess no matter how hard I try}. I think we all have our things we hate; for me I'd much rather clean 3 houses than plan, grocery shop for and cook a meal, I'm not to saying that I can't or won't do it, I just usually don't enjoy it.
i'm always thisclose to buying those daily deals for a 3 hr session of house cleaning or something.
I want to be organized but I just don't have the time to do it around here, since I work so much. The one thing I want to be able to afford is a cleaning service because it would make things so much better! I really want that and soon.
All I can say is AMEN SISTER! Thanks for posting this. I am exactly the same. I absolutely LOVE the clean house and having the organization surrounding me but I hate doing it. I have so many friends that tell me it is soothing for them to clean, or that they get a sense of accomplishment from it or something. I don't. I hate every minute of it. YES, I enjoy the results, but I loathe the actions.
We said we would hire a cleaning lady when I went back to hasn't happened. First off, I got a groupon for three cleaning sessions and thought we could use that to limp along for a bit, but I am finding when you aren't a regular customer it is hard to get them to come to your house. We have had someone come once...and that was actually BEFORE I went back to work and right before we left for SD for Christmas. It was enough, though, to make me realize how wonderful it is.
I have a cleaning lady coming tomorrow. I cannot TELL you how excited I am and how much freedom it has given me! Last night, for example, instead of spending the first hour after the boys went to bed trying to sweep and mop the floors, I just left them! I knew she would be getting them tomorrow.
I think we will limp through until the summer, but man, it is the first thing on my list before I return to work in the fall. I simply can't keep up, and I also can't function in the dirty mess!
HATE IT! I can think of a million, billion, trillion things that I would rather do than clean our house. I really wish that I loved it, but I just do not.
OMG I feel like it was me writing this post. I am exactly the same! I love it to be organized and clean but hate doing it. After a full time job and following around an 8 yr old boy we don't feel like doing anything lol
I follow I can't believe the difference it has made in my home!! I know it's korny but it really works for home is pretty much company ready at any given time. I started "flying" it when my two kids were little. it really is so easy and I only spend a very small amount of time on housework and that leaves me lots of extra time to do what i want to do! check it house and family are very happy.
We can so hang out at the slightly unorganized cool table. I miss having 'Sammy' clean my house. Sigh.
Long time lurker, first time poster. :)
YES, we can hang out at the slightly unorganized cool table. Just as long as you turn a blind eye to me wiping it clean when everyone is finished. I'm not crazy about cleaning, but I do have a touch of OCD and like things a certain way. ...I just procrastinate until I do them. Like today: I broke down, emptied and scrubbed the hell out of the nasty fryolator that's been sitting in our kitchen since the Super Bowl. Ugh.
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