Do something nice for someone else today. Just because.
It can be anything.
A phone call. Snail mail.
Buy someone a coffee. Or lunch.
Drop off something to Toys For Tots.
Take a wish list item off a giving tree.
Hug someone that needs it.
Pay someone a genuine compliment, it will make their day.
Spend $14.60 to buy 10 people dinner.
Pick up a piece of trash and deposit it where it belongs.
Return a shopping cart to the proper place so it doesn’t blow into someone else’s car.
Read a book to your kids.
Shovel a neighbor’s walk.
Do something. Because it will make you feel good. Because it will make someone else feel good.
Because you can.

There is a man here in PA who is giving away $100 to random people who he witnesses doing random acts of kindness. His goal is to give out $20,000. They won't release his identity or his location to make sure people just don't start acting nice in hopes of getting money. Random acts of kindness ROCK!!!!
I am buying three gifts this week for my three angel tree peeps. I love it!
It makes me feel good just reading it. Simple acts of kindness can make everyone's day better. Such good advice!
Awesome! I'm stealing some of these for my acts of goodwill. =)
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