I’m always roping Dave into house projects.
It usually goes something like, “Oh hey, I just went and bought 3 gallons of paint, guess what we’re doing?”
I’m a changer. I like change.
So, we have had a bit of a busy month including Halloween costume making, Oma’s 91st birthday dinner, a trip to Mexico, parent/teacher conferences, dinners with friends, crafting for Maker’s Mart, blog projects, and loads of holiday prep in the works. The plan was to rip out the carpet in the living room three weekends ago because we had a rare ‘free’ weekend. Why not screw that all up and do something fun, like ripping up carpet?
The carpet is 15 years old and has survived a dog, cat, two kids, and lots of traffic and is in desperate need of replacement. I wanted a little time to scrub the floors under and then get the new carpet installed. So up came the carpet and what I really mean by that is, I grabbed a box cutter and went to town on a Saturday morning before Dave even had his coffee. It’s harder for him to protest that way.
No turning back now, new carpet here we come! Right?
But then we pulled the pad up and I fell in love a little with the wood floors in there. An hour later, everything was rolled up and taped and Dave started on the fun task of ripping out tack strips. The original floors are much darker than the lighter color on the floors in the dining room that were refinished about twelve years ago. Maybe we should go with the original floors instead of carpeting over them again?
Only… that would mean having ALL of the flooring sanded and re-stained in all of the main living areas of the house. The floors are all are continuous boards from room to room from the living room to the dining room hall to the bedrooms which will remain {thankfully} carpeted, and the kitchen is laminate. Did I mention figuring out where to put all of the furniture while this happens? And while our house is teeny tiny and won’t take very long, it is a gargantuan project.
One that we’re leaving to the professionals… the guys arrive this morning.
I am certifiable and that husband of mine is a good sport, but we value our marriage enough not to test it with refinishing floors.

I wish I had wood floors. I cannot wait to see the finished project.
It is going to look terrific!
you are going to be thrilled when this is done!!! :) although we painted the walls between ripping up the carpet and having the floor refinished... just sayin. ;)
I am envious of your wood floors! They are going to look fantastic :)
I love when people discover wonderful wood floors under old carpet. Glad you are keeping them! And yes, I'd say that husband of yours is a real trooper!
LUCKY! They moved walls in our upstairs so the wood floors are kind of destroyed.
I want to see more pictures. Pictures of where the two floors meet up. Cuz I'm totally-all-the-way on the hardwood train whenever possible!
Oh, I missed it! You ARE keeping the hardwoods! How exciting!
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