I’ve been on a little self imposed hiatus this month. I know, I know.
A break to figure some things out and to soak some things in. I don’t do that nearly enough.
Soaking in things included: Playing My Little Ponies with Tate. My sister’s graduation from college and a trip to Lexington. My brother’s graduation from high school. A baby shower for friends who are adopting! Mother’s Day. Year end school programs and carnival and “parent involvement” projects. My sister Rachael was home from Palestine for a whole month. Brunches. Dinners with friends. Playdates.
Good things… well except for the laundry and dishes and boring stuff.
And to make up for it, I’m posting every day in the month of June.
You’ll be sick of me. Just you wait.
Enough about me.
What’s up with you?

My May has been crazy.. Had to go to court on the 10th because my oldest rolled her vehicle on April 28th totaling said vehicle and all accidents are required to go before a judge.. had to fight her said insurance company due to the accident... Finally she graduated high school may 19th or should I say Thank Goodness she graduated.. now its on to college far far away.. My 2 youngest have been out of school since the 22nd and I'm ready for them to go back already... My summer is packed with fun
Woman, I've missed you!!! But good for you taking time for yourself. I turn 30 on June 12th. What a great birthday gift... a little Michelle every single day!!!! ha ha ha
Welcome back! I haven't been around much either. But I've been plenty busy. Good to know I'm not alone!
Springtime is always crazy busy with graduations. I've got a bunch of weddings coming up in addition to a high school graduation in Texas next month. It's almost JUNE! Crazy time.
Ummm its June first...where's the new post? ;)
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