Writer’s block can suck it. Oh, I know, I know… we’re not supposed to talk about not being able to write. Blah blah, no one cares about your stupid writer’s block Michelle. I get it. It still sucks when I pay you off for some ideas. {See the end of this post.}
Tate got vaccines on Friday, normally I try to limit her to one combination or two shots max, not because I think she’s going to get autism or anything, but because she always has a reaction. It has happened every time since she was little. My normally happy, crazy, independent girl wants nothing more than to be on my person at all times. This time though, she needed three and I thought the benefits outweighed the fact that I knew she was going to be miserable. This time she got a 103. + fever on Saturday night and was wide awake delirious talking until we had to give her an excruciating tepid bath at 4 am when the Motrin didn’t touch it.
Someone, anyone? 800.
So yes, back to that writer’s block. What do you want to read? Leave a comment with something fun you’d like to see here {up to 5} and I will randomly pick a winner and send them a $25 Target card, just because. Disclaimer: Not sponsored by anyone, but the Davester who doesn’t even like me to hang out in Target for fear that I’ll spend all kinds of money on fun things that we don’t really need. That Target sucks you in like a vortex of awesomeness, doesn’t it? You have from now until Friday, January 11, 2013 at noon EST. Make sure you leave a way to contact you if your email isn’t linked in your profile.
Updated: CONGRATS KATIE! You are the winner of the $25 gift card!
Katie said... DIY home improvement posts with before and after pictures with your hilarious stories and wit...because we all know that DIY home improvement usually involves a Davester story. I seriously am still laughing about the story when he checked on a neighbor's house.
Janet stories? Sister stories?
Anything that involves food - recipes, parties (party planning), etc.
Did you ever post about your bedroom that you were working on? I fell of blog-land for awhile...THU JAN 10, 10:16:00 AM EST

I would love some ideas on cheap indoor activities to do with small children. Though the snow has only been here a few weeks, we're already getting a slight case of the winter blue's in our house. Help!
Cooking... parties... books. Outfit of the day posts.
How about you tell me about Valentine's Day prep and ideas.
I wanna hear more recipes and funny stories about your babies. Because those are awesome.
where you get all of your fun jewelry.
I love the party idea posts!
Sex of course.
How about themed parties and home organizing.
book clubs and food and decor and fun ideas to go with it, or oscar themed parties and fun ideas to go along with it, or super bowl or valentines day. You could do one idea a week. Pinterest will be helpful to get ideas and everyone can chime in.
Home organizing:
this is on a lot of people's new years resolution lists so you could offer up some ideas. Ex: organize your baking pantry or spices, closets, kids playroom ideas, shoes, etc you could do one idea a week or so too.
This is from Sarah Carroll Tangeman in case I can't get my name to post right!
I love your reality posts....like everyday motherhood ups & downs, always able to relate!
I would like you to post about learning to sew because you really must learn to sew in 2013. :)
Alternatively, I like reading about food.
I second the sex idea. ;) keeping it fresh in a marriage?
What about your new paint job? Did I miss that or am I bringing up a sore subject?
So sorry about the tepid bath. Hope she's better ASAP!
Let's talk taboo. Like all the things no one talks about so when it happens to you and you find out it happened to everyone, you think "Now isn't that some shit!?!"
Tantrum/raging capacities of a 4 yr old that make you wonder if they will turn green and "Hulk out". How giving a child some liquor "to soothe their gums" doesn't sound so bad after days/weeks of endless crying nights. How you can actually understand why the mom on the news did something crazy, not that you'd do it, but you totally get it. And on the topic of spicing up a marriage, how about how hard it is to keep it exciting, happy, loving, and romantic when your legs haven't seen a razor since summer, you are wearing your same go to outfit again for the third time this week, and your unwashed hair doesn't smell...yet.
Just sayin. Life can be brutally hard. Equally rewarding, but man, so tough. And it's just so darn refreshing to know you aren't at it alone :)
Sex and Elise from the Attic! I need some serious tips on livening up the sex life after number two....i am just sooooo tired not to mention breastfeeding, so sexy?!
Also, basically everything Christine said.
Kids and technology....we have a serious iPad addiction in our house.
I love it when people write about embarrassing situations they get themselves in to, failures, parenting doubts... those are the most relate-able posts, to me. There are tons of picture-perfect blogs, but I am always hooked when bloggers keep it real. Not asking you to air your dirty laundry about anything bad, though. ;)
I also like it when people write funny things their kids say.
good fun recipes to cook with kids, teach them cooking...I could use some ideas for 6 and 8 year olds AND Winter blues cocktails to spice things up
I don't know if this is your kind of thing... but I'll suggest it anyway. I have two blogs. One of them is a "healthier eating/living" kind of a thing. I get one or two hits a day, tops... it's not a very popular blog! Well, since the beginning of the new year... one of my posts has gotten over 770 hits. I did a 3-day detox and raw vegan diet last year... there's a pin on Pinterest, and I've gotten most of my referrals from that... but I am FLOORED by the amount of interest in that. It seems like a lot of people are looking for a "restart" for the new year where their diets are concerned.
Here's a link to that popular post:
Recipes and fun things to do indoors with kids!
activities for kids and randomness :)
I'm personally obsessed with your parties, so anything in that arena would be good. Or ideas for valentines day dates (staying in or going out). Really, I just live all of your ideas, so I am game for anything! Also, I' saving some tea for you :)
I want to know all about what you did before you were a famous blogger. I'm thinking I could probably find out if I read your archives but I'm lazy so if you could just start at like you know, early childhood and work your way to now I would love that, and it would save me a ton of time clicking through all of that old stuff.
I like all your party ideas and hearing about the kids. How about we talk about those individuals who still haven't taken down the Christmas decorations outdoors. More specifically the nut job who lights up his house (including a decorated Christmas tree in the window) all year long. Or how about the houses with the blow up Santa sitting on the lawn next to the Jack O'lantern from Halloween, or the house with the ladder used to put up lights still leaning against the house. I can provide pics if you need them.
This might be random but as a woman, facing age 36 currently, wondering if and when I'll ever be ready to start having kids... I wanted to know, Have you always KNOWN you wanted to be a mom before having your kids or was it something you worked your way into.
For years I knew I wanted to be a mom and always had the WRONG guys to procreate with. Now I have the best guy but I'm worried about changing our relationship (even if it's in a great way).
Let's call it kid anxiety. I know you have to be completely unselfish and just wanted to get a mom's point of view :) Wow that was serious... maybe I should change it to... do crap filled diapers ever get easier to handle?
DIY home improvement posts with before and after pictures with your hilarious stories and wit...because we all know that DIY home improvement usually involves a Davester story. I seriously am still laughing about the story when he checked on a neighbor's house.
Janet stories? Sister stories?
Anything that involves food - recipes, parties (party planning), etc.
Did you ever post about your bedroom that you were working on? I fell of blog-land for awhile...
let's see...i very much enjoy finnisms...is that daughter of yours saying anything or what? i have no children, so clearly i have no idea of any sort of age appropriate behavior in children. so talking in actual sentences could be a long way off... :)
I tried to post this the other day and it showed error. Ok here we go....
1. Fun affordable things you can to entertain your kids.
2. More yummy delicious and sinful recipes.
3. Any funny stories where you poke fun at Dave is fabulous.
4. Easy household projects that are easy to accomplish and easy on the budget.
5. Anything to do with motherhood, because I can use all the advice I can get.
What about your Mom? What is Mom up to?
I love hearing about your party ideas and food and all the quirky things your kids do... They make me realize I'm not the only mom that has crazy kids that say the darnest things
I was at Target on Sunday with $65 wort of gift cards. Stupid me, I spent it all on my girls. I am an idiot. I really like your post on parties with your friends, and your son's funny conversations.
Now that I finally have internet back, I can stalk you again... YAY!
I would like to see a post or two on how you prepared Finn for school. What tactics did you use to get him to learn the basics? There are days we get so frustrated with it all, I feel I have to stop trying to teach her something new for fear I may discourage her all together. Any ideas or activities that really worked well??
Keep the party and food posts coming. I am also anxious to start reading more Tate posts as she gets older. I'm sure you have some comical kid interaction going on daily :)
I do love reading about your KIDS, Husband, and crazy family stories because I can relate so much!!! I do like your FB posts about food, so maybe do that here too. Let's us know what your making and we can share the same. I also like great ideas people have for making everyday things easier (organizing, shopping, cooking, cleaning, whatever) Good Luck and can't wait to keep reading!
I thought of something else I want to see... (and yes, I know the contest is over!)
I want to see how you load your dishwasher!!!! I have the first dishwasher of my life and I swear to god I don't load it correctly. I always think people are nuts when they say they can get an entire days worth of dishes in there. Maybe it's b/c I have a house of 5, but I really think it's my loading ability!!! :)
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