My dad and I have a special kind of relationship. It mostly involves me giving him a bunch of shit and being the most difficult of his four {plus two step} children. He swears that I am, out of all of his children, the one who challenges him the most and is the toughest on him. I think he likes that my expectations are high and I know he is proud of the woman that I am.
We like to pick on each other. We debate, both playing devil’s advocate. And we have cooking throwdowns.
It’s been going on for ages, probably close to fifteen years now. We do cakes, chocolate cream pies, mashed potatoes, cheesecakes, chocolate chip cookies, and of course, there was the great meatloaf incident of 2001 that I don’t like to discuss.
So my dear readers, here is where you come in. We need a challenge. Ideally, the suggestion will be something that neither of us has made before, but that might be a stretch. What do you want to see us make? I will even leave the visual judging to you since obviously there isn’t taste-o-vision yet on the internet. The taste portion we will leave to the un-refined palates of my rag tag family. I am quite sure there will be bribery involved.
And to thank you, there *might* be a little prize package for whomever’s idea we choose.
So, what’s it going to be??

I love that you have that kind of relationship with my Dad. I think I have a similar one with my mother. I know I've been the toughest for her to handle out of all four. But we are also a lot closer.
How about fudge or christmas cookies?
OR - turkey leftover throwdown?
I like the leftover turkey idea!
I want each of you to work to create an amazing pasta dish from scratch! Pasta is a favorite in our house, and I'm constantly looking for new ideas that include things I wouldn't normally think to put into pasta. Who can come up with the best recipe that also looks pretty??? Let's SEE!!! (Michelle, I'm voting for you!)
It should include:
A unique pasta-not plain old fettucini etc.
Some kind of veggie that isn't normally found in pasta
Meat-my vote is for chicken because we always have it on hand
One word: haggis.
I'm from the south so I dig me some bbq! I say throwdown with some Q! Good luck friend!
Macaroons - but not the kind with coconut - the really complicated, colorful kind:) Good luck!
Lasagne? (My cousin and I recently did that one - it was great!) Pulled pork? Pumpkin Pie? (Cause there are all KINDS of variations on pumpkin pie!) Or breakfast - omelets?
I think chili is always a good throwdown meal because there are definitely VERY SPECIFIC schools of (chili) thought people live by.
Pecan pie. LOVE it.
Or lobster macaroni. Because I'm obsessed with it and pissed I didn't get some when I went to Boston.
request 1: this does not happen until I am home.
request 2: something I will like to eat :)
Or something from a different cuisine that you guys don't know too much about. Oooh let Finn pick a cookbook/recipe at random!
Beef Wellington
So...what's it going to be???
Jambalaya, Chicken Pot Pie, bread pudding
Souffle. I'm kinda obsessed with them, but I'm too scared to try making one.
I like the leftover turkey idea, too.
Reinvent a dish like on Top Chef.
Take old home classics like roast, meatloaf, or chicken and dumplings and make them new and fresh.
Or pick a theme like fair food and make funnel cakes, corn dogs, and cotton candy elegant.
What about putting a spin on old standbys like tacos, spaghetti and meatballs, or casserole.
Have fun - cannot wait to see what you chose.
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